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Stark Tower, New York City. February 2025.

The following morning Ana woke to the warm winter sun crashing through the large windows she and James forgot to cover the night before. She blinks slowly, her eyes adjusting to the light. Her body aches, muscle groups hurt in ways they haven't in a long time. Her back is sore and her sex still swollen. James gave her his all last night.

Her head turns towards him. Asleep on his stomach, his arm tucked under his head, face turned towards her. Ana admires him and smiles. His back bare, bloody scratches from her finger nails trail over his shoulders and down his ribs.

She smirks and rolls over onto her back. Groaning as she makes her body move. Even her ass and abs ache from the continuous orgasms he forced her body to have over and over. She chuckles, thinking how he had out done himself.

He stirs, hearing her laugh.

Dobroye utro kroska. Good morning babe.

Good morning. She smiles still laughing to herself.

What's so funny? He asks, lifting his head slightly.

I'm sore. She admits.

Good. He declares making her laugh again, then groan. James rolls onto his side. I probably shouldn't have went so hard on you last night. You start training this morning. He reminds her.

Ana groans and throws the blanket over her head, making James chuckle.

With who?

Hand to hand with Steve this morning, target with me in the afternoon, both in the evening at least until Wanda gets back.

You're bringing Wanda in? Ana lifts the blanket from her head and looks at him.

We thought she'd be better for helping with your powers. You two used to train together right?

Yeah, after Ultron like 9 years ago. Ana laughs. So hand to hand with Steve huh? Ana bites her lip. James closes his eyes, trying to hide the smirk pulling at his lips.

How long as it been since you trained with him?

Oh Odin. Ana laughs, not since before we got together.

James lifts his head. Like together, like ...

Together. Love... sex... marriage... babies. Ana clarifies. The last time we trained he pinned me down, and nearly got my top off. And we kissed for the first time. Later that afternoon I took his virginity. Ana can't help the pride in her voice.

Are you excited? James's face amused.

Yes. Actually. Ana admits.

Just remember, it's my day. No fucking on my day.

Ana rolls her eyes. I can't promise anything. Hand to hand with Steve will be like hand to hand with you.

Ends in sex?

Ana shrugs and moves to him as he rolls over onto his back. She straddles his waste.

His tongue slides across his bottom lip. This seems vaguely familiar.


Ana nuzzles her face agains this neck. Pulling on his ear with her teeth. He smacks her ass.

Don't tease me, and don't start something we can't finish. You need a good breakfast before we work you.

Can't I have you for breakfast? She moves down his body, her lips and tongue trailing down his ribs and abs. He stops her when she gets to his sex lines. Her tongue running through the valley of the muscles.

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