You'll Die Too

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Riga, Latvia. June 2024.

26 hours, 1560 minutes, 93600 seconds and Ana still hasn't woken up. Zemo had called Steve in a panic after Ana willingly ripped her soul in half trying to rid herself of James. Steve took the next flight out of JKF International Airport and is on his way to her.

Sam and Zemo finally managed to move Ana off the floor, using blankets and towels to protect their skin when they lifted her from the floor to the couch. Her body still blazing, the only time Sam has ever known Ana to do this was when Wanda showed her the memories of James. Steve had said her body was on fire then too. He could barely move her.

Her nose hasn't stopped bleeding either. Sam and Zemo took turns wiping the blood away for the last day. Sam is worried, she's lost so much blood already. Her skin too pale.

At 27 hours Steve bursts through the door of Zemo's house. Running past Sam and Zemo right for Ana. She scorches him when he reaches out for her hand. Her body covered in sweat, steam rising from her skin as her body temperature burns the sweat off as soon as it forms. Her chest rapidly rising and falling as she breathes too hard and too fast.

What happened? Steve asks.

Ana lost control. Sam looks at his friend worried.

And she's been out this whole time?

Yeah, and the bleeding hasn't stopped. Sam holds a towel out to Steve, who holds it to her nose. Trying to stop the steady stream of blood from escaping her body.

Tell me exactly what happened. He orders.

Ana called James' phone but Sharon answered. Ana's eyes turned black, she started to hyperventilate and then dropped the phone. She literally caught on fire, and then screamed. And then this energy blasted out of her, and she collapsed. Her nose hasn't stopped bleeding and she hasn't woken up since.

So this is because of James? Steve looks back down at Ana. Her hair damp and pressed to her face, her breathing coming hard, like she can't catch it. The skin around her eyes, nose and mouth almost black.

Obviously. Zemo answers. He is her soul mate after all.

What does that have to do with his? Sam asks.

It has everything to do with this.

Then were the hell is he?

Probably still fucking Sharon.

What?! Steve's face radiating anger.

Ana said something about James being in Sharon's shower. And then Ana lost control. I can only assume it was because he fucked Sharon.

How do I fix this? Steve asks Zemo, praying he has some answers.

Only her other half can fix this. Zemo looks down at Ana sadly, I'm afraid she may not have much time left.

Did anyone try calling James? Steve asks.

Straight to voicemail every time. Sam answers sadly.

If she dies I'm going to kill him. Steve promises.

She's gonna die?! James asks as he runs into the house. Wiping his nose on his sleeve. Where is she? His eyes search frantically, trying to find her.

Steve stands and marches over to James.

What are y.... James starts to ask, until he spots Ana laying on the couch. Breathing hard, the skin around her eyes and mouth nearly black. Small veins across her face black, James knows her eyes are black if she could open them. He also knows her body temperature is pushing 200 degrees. Any hotter and her organs are going to fail. This is the serum in her blood, amplifying her mutation. Making her stronger, and killing her if she doesn't gain control.

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