A Final Goodbye

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Stark Cabin, New York. October 2023.

A week had passed since Bruce reversed the snap, since Tony sacrificed his life for the whole universe and Steve ended his marriage to Ana. After leaving Steve that morning Ana left Wakanda without a word to anyone besides Dr. Strange. She asked him to take her some place else. Any place else. Ana walked through the portal and into the golden wheat field of the Barton Farm.

Clint and Laura welcomed her with open arms, as they always have. Clint vowing to smash Cap's face in for hurting Ana again. Ana barely left the room she shared with Steven the last time she was there. His hand prints still indented on the wooden bed frame. She hated being there, hated seeing things that reminded her of Steve. She needed to go somewhere else, she needs a fresh start in a place Steve has never been. Ana had finally decided where she would go, and should couldn't wait to start her new life.

Clint had to drag her to Tony's funeral, where she would have to not only say goodbye to Tony but also see her soon to be ex-husband, his girlfriend. And James.

Think she's going to be here? Steve asks James. Thor shakes his head.

She said she was going to be here. Thor looks around Steve to the woods where guests are arriving. Everyone is gathered in the front and side yards of the Stark Cabin. Tony's funeral is set to begin in less than an hour, so she would be here soon.

Steve starts fidgeting with his suit, while James polishes off his second bourbon. Thor lifts an eye brow, if you two are so worked up about Ana they leave her in the first place?

For the record, James interrupts. She left me. He left her and she leaves me. I didn't want her to leave.

I told her to go to you. Steve continues the on going argument they've been having for the last week.

Thor shakes his head. When has Ana ever done anything you tell her to?

Steve huffs as his leg shakes, starring into the woods. Nervous energy rippling off of him. He hasn't seen or heard from Ana since she handled him her wedding bands and giving him what he thought he wanted.

Ana and Clint walk off the jet with Sam just outside the Stark Cabin where Tony's funeral was being held. Sam holds Ana's hand, which she squeezes hard when she see Steve, otherwise she give no indication that being here is effecting her. Sam wasn't sure how Ana would handle today, seems like she's going for stone cold. Showing no emotion towards her husband or her soulmate what so ever.

Her eyes fall on Steve for a moment. He looks like he hasn't slept since the day he left her. His blond hair slightly disheveled, his black suit a little looser then it should be, dark circles under eyes that have lost their shine. He stands with James and Thor, the three of them having an intense conversation which stops abruptly when Steve sees Ana. His eyes meet hers long enough for his heart to stop and for him to hate himself. He looks away before he loses his resolve.

Wow. Miss. Ana looks incredible. Peter comments, walking up next to Steve.

Yes she does. James speaks lowly.

Ana walks confidently, as she holds onto Sam, her head held high. Her eyes so dark they barely look green at all. Her lips painted blood red, her eyes smokey black. Ana's hair is pulled up off her neck, and twisted into an elegant knot. She wears no jewelry, except a pair of diamonds hanging from her ear lobes. Steve's mouth goes dry as his eyes move down her body. The black long sleeve dress stops mid thigh, a modest neckline pulls tightly across her breasts and baby bump. The dress is plain and elegant. The completely open back however tells a different story. The dress is open from the top of her neck down past her hips, black lace surrounds the opening allowing for extra skin to peek through. Ana's scar from Steve shield shines like a silver badge of honor in the sunlight. Black heeled shoes tie around her feet and ankles.

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