Target Practice

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Avenger's Compound. New York. March 2025.

3 days before the wedding.

I promise, you're going to be ok. Ana reassures Steve.

I know we did this 100 times with rubber but Ana this is for real now. And the whole team is watching.

He looks over her head. This is Ana's final test. To stop a live bullet from piercing Steve's chest at 50 yards away. James's leg bounces nervously. Dr. Strange, Shuri and Bruce are on stand by, ready to save Steve's life if it's necessary. Everyone agreed, this is Ana's best chance of making sure she's faster than James.

She's disabled his gun before could fire multiple times. The difference, live ammunition. Everyone is one edge. Ana however, knows she can do this. She marries Steve in hours, and Ana has no doubt she can stop it.

The Avengers have assembled, all standing watching Ana save Steve's life. James swallows nervously. According to Fury, Bambinos do not have have a safety, and do not have to be cocked. Only charged, which takes 3.5 seconds upon activation. Ana has 3.8 seconds to disable all weapons before they're fired. Ana's goal, disable and destroy.

Thor paces nervously watching Ana and Steve. He knows he'll lose Ana if she fails.

Ana, you can do this. You've practiced 100 times. He will be fine. Wanda yells from the side lines. Everyone is counting on her, even the Guardians and Wakandans responded to their call.

The last time everyone assembled was in 2023, then Tony ended Thanos.

Are we really letting this happen? Hope asks Scott. He nods. 

She can save us all. He reminds her.

We have everything we need right, Bruce asks Strange.

Worst case scenario, I reverse time. We'll save him. She has to do this, or we don't stand a chance if she doesn't.

Are you ready baby? She asks him.

Ana? He asks.

She meets his eyes. I love you, like... a lot. More than anything or anyone. You are my life. Please don't let him kill me.

Ana smiles. I wont. I swear it, I'll step in front of the bullet myself before I let it hit you.

Steve looking into her eyes, knowing without a doubt she means it. They kiss, just in case. Lips and tongues crashing together, hand and arms clinging tightly.

James calls for her, his nerves on edge.

Ana nods as she pulls away from Steven. I promise. I'll save you. She turns towards James.

Everyone is still and silent.

Ana exhales slowly, her eyes on James. His weapon already drawn and aimed at Steve's chest. Ana sees his finger twitch her eyes turn black in a heart beat, her hands raised as she immediately jams the firing mechanism. James tosses the gun away when it doesn't fire. Taking a step toward Ana, he pulls another two guns out from behind his back. Ones she didn't know about.

Her breathe catches as he fires. The bullets traveling faster than she ever imagined. Everyone gasps. Anger courses through her, she feels Steve's eyes on her, feels his fear. He's terrified. She hears the guns crack rapidly, James intent on killing Steven.

Ana panics. Black veins form across her porcelain skin, as she forces the bullets to stop. Putting everything she has into stopping them. They fall to the ground as James reloads, walking closer to her and Steve.

She tilts her head watching him. Black vapor travels from Ana's hands towards James. Her wrists twitch, and the guns become inoperable. James can't get the clips to load. He tosses them the side and reaches for his back again.

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