Children of Thanos

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Edinburgh, Scotland. August 2018.

The remaining Avenger's sit aboard the quinjet as it soars over the Atlantic less than 24 hours after Bruce called Steve. Since that morning, Ana and Steve said tearful goodbye to their baby boy, Laura and Clint. Clint explaining to them that the terms of his release after the plea deal were simple. Retirement, no more fighting. No matter the cause.

Ana made a few calls, and in the end she had to contact Charles Xavier to use cerebero to find Wanda. Finally they had a location, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Steve then flew the jet to Louisiana, where after a brief reunion with Sarah, Sam's sister. Everyone, including Natasha took their rightful places inside the jet. Steve in the captain's chair as pilot. Natasha as co-pilot, although she eventually moved to let Ana sit with her husband. Sam spent the majority of the 7 hour flight checking over his gear making sure the technology still worked. As he hadn't need his wings in two years. A slue of curses could be heard behind Ana and Steve as Sam struggles to update the technology.

God, fucking.. ugh.. damn it. Sam growls.

Language!! Natasha and Ana yell together, while Ana gives Steven a smirk.

I'm never going to live that down am I?

Nope. Ana reaches over and runs her finger along the thin line of visible skin between Steve's beard and his suit.

Don't seduce the pilot! Natasha demands, I don't want to end up in ice like grandpa here.

Everyone snickers, except Steve. Hey, if it weren't for that ice Ana would've been married to Bucky by now. He looks over to his wife. She half blinks and shakes her head no.

What the fu... Sam grumbles.

Don't let it win Big Bird.

Well if Red Wing would sync up.

Tell Red Wing whose boss then. Ana urges, turning in her seat to see her best friend.

Red Wing, Mrs. Cap says to get your shit together.

I didn't mean me! Ana laughs.

Steve shakes his head, she's not the boss.

Oh and you are? Natasha teases. Mr. Virgin up until 4 years ago.

Ana silently nods and bites lip. Making Nat laugh.

I missed this, the four of us, joking around before a mission. Just hanging out. Natasha sighs, It's nice being together again.

Well it isn't all of us. Sam speaks. And besides, it was never the four of us joking. It was the three of us. He looks up and makes a triangle with his screw driver between himself, Ana and Nat. Steve was always in the corner, either giving Ana sex eyes or death glares, depending on his mood and if Thor was ogling Ana.

Thor never ogled me... who even uses the word ogle?

He ogled you! Steve declares. All the time, it used to drive me insane, especially when you would give him the eyes and that not so innocent grin of yours.

I never gave Thor eyes!! Ana fights back, a sense of sadness washes over her for her friend. She hoped he went quickly.

She's right, she never eyed Thor. Natasha explains, she was too busy eye fucking you.

Steve smirks and tilts his head towards Ana. She shrugs, yea ok that's ... she sighs. That's accurate. Except when you were mad at me, which was all the time actually.

I was only mad because I didn't think you felt the same way I did and you were always flirting with all the other guys in the house. Except me, and I wanted you more than anyone else. Ana smirks quickly seeing Captain America pout

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