Civil War

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Berlin International Airport, Germany. June 2016

Ana and Steve stand next to each other in front of Tony and Rhodes. Steve has his arm out in front of Ana, trying to keep her from moving. He feels better thinking she's slightly behind him. She would rather have he side than his 6 but whatever the Captain wants. Her emerald greens eyes flash in the sun off Tony's Ironman suit.

"Hey kid... Cap."

"Tony." She gives him a raised eye brow before smiling at Rhodes. "Hey Rhodey."

"Ana." Rhodes nods, his voice solum. 

Steve glances at Ana who waves her hand, directing him to go on. "Hear me out Tony, the Doctor that did Bucky's evaluation. He's behind all this."

"You know, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you all in. That was 24 hours ago. Can't you help me out here? Ana? After everything I did for you in the last few months." 

"You're after the wrong guy." Ana pleads with him.

"Your judgment is clouded, by your feelings for each other." Tony looks at Ana. "Your boyfriend killed innocent people 3 day ago."

"Yeah, and Ana is just like him. The Doctor turned Buck in to the Winter Soldier to activate Ana. Only Buck knows how. Thank God it didn't work. But I can't let him get another chance to try it again. He wants to make Ana kill us, all of us. And if that fails, there are five other super soldiers that can. The goal is to eliminate the Avengers." Steve argues. 

"Guys you know what's about to happen. Do you really want to punch your way out of this." Natasha speaks from behind Steve and Ana.

Ana glances at Nat before looking down and turning back to Tony.

"Alright, I've run out of patience. Kid!" Tony yells. 

Spiderman soars over their heads ripping Steve's shield from his arm and blasting webs at Ana and Steve's hands. Binding them together.

"You've been busy Tony." Steve growls tugging at his wrists. 

"And you've been a complete idiots. Dragging in Clint, rescuing Wanda from a place she doesn't want to leave." Tony meets Ana's eyes. "Damn it, I'm trying to keep you two from tearing the Avengers apart."

"You did that when you sighed." Ana takes a step closer to Steve, her arm against his.

"That's enough, you're going to turn over Barnes and you're both going to come with us. Because it's us or a squad of shoot first ask questions never."

Ana looks at Nat, her eyes sad. She mouths the words I'm sorry, before turns her attention back to Tony.

"Come on Ana," Tony begs. "They'll kill him, first chance they get. I know you don't want that."

"They would kill him no matter what Tony. I won't let that happen."

"Found it." Sam speaks over comms. "The quinjet is in Hanger 5, north runway."

"Now baby." Steve whispers and moves behind Ana lifting his arms up over his head. Ana lifts her arms over her head as well, and jumps so their wrists are level with each other. Clint fires an arrow off the parking deck, cutting through the web restraints, releasing their hands. Tony spins around looking for the source of the arrow.

"Lang, you're up." Steve orders.

Scott suddenly appears above Spiderman, having been micro on Steve's shield. He kicks Spiderman in the chest and flips backward, landing next to Ana. He hands Steve his shield.

"That's heavier than I thought." Scott declares.

"I've got two in the terminal, Barnes and Wilson." Rhodes comments

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