An Old Enemy

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Stark Tower, New York City. March 2025.

Steve stands between Ana's knees as she sits on the counter in the kitchen. His arms wrapped around her shoulders, holding her close to his chest. James can't see her face, not when it's buried against Steve, but he doesn't need to see her face to tell she's still shaken. She clings to Steve's shoulders, her fingers digging into the muscle.

She walked into the house 20 minutes ago and made a beeline for James and Steve. Her body hot and shaking, her eyes black as night. Steve got to her first, running to her when he saw her condition. Picking her up and putting her on the counter. They haven't moved since.

Sam explained the phone call with Sharon, recalling everything Sharon had said. The taunting towards Ana, and the threats towards all of them.

I thought the government pardoned her and she got her job back. Steve asks against Ana's head.

Apparently The People offered her something better.

We need to be ready. At all times. James suggests.

They aren't coming yet. Ana's voice barely above a whisper.

How do you know that doll? James rubs her back, feeling her heat dissipate at his touch, surprised Steve managed to hold onto her so long. She has to be burning him.

She said enjoy the wedding. That means it'll happen after the wedding.

Then we should post pone the wedding. Steve suggests.

No. Ana pulls back, her face serious. No. I don't want to do that.

Okay. He whispers.

She probably wants to make as big of an impact as possible, she thinks we need to be married for it to be devastating. She doesn't realize we don't need a wedding to be married. We already are, and we don't need a piece of paper for that.

Steve exhales hard and shakes his head, pulling Ana back into him.

So what do we do? Sam asks.

We need to be ready. Steve orders

Are we bringing everyone in? James questions, the more people in the house the more people to protect Ana.

They'll all be here in a few days anyway.

And the kids? It isn't safe for them here. James continues.

I'll call Pepper, she'll take them to a safe house. Ana speaks into Steve's chest again, breathing in him. Her heart hurts thinking about anything happening to him. Him and James.

Sammy, Ana pulls back from Steve. Can you give us a minute alone?

You aren't going to do it on the counter are you? I eat here.

No. Ana's voice weak, finding no humor in Sam's comment. Her men are in danger and she's scared.


What is it baby? Steve asks after Sam disappears to the elevators and up to his office.

Ana sighs, you two are in danger. And I won't let anything happen to either of you. I couldn't take it if either of you got hurt. I don't think I could survive it. I mean I know if couldn't if James didn't, but... She looks up to Steve and takes a deep breath, laying her hand against his cheek.

I don't want to survive if anything happened to you.

Steve nods. He is her weakness. She feels like she needs to protect him.

Did you forget who we are doll?

You're James Barnes, my soulmate. You are not the Winter Soldier. She looks to Steve. You're Steven Rogers, the love of my life. You are not Captain America, not anymore. You're both vulnerable, unprotected and I'm your weakness. I'm not strong enough to protect you both. So I need to be faster, I need to disable them before they get a chance to hurt either of you. Or any one of us.

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