
68 2 0

April 2025

Hours and 2 states later, Ana clings to James' waist, her hands pressed firmly against his abs under his shirt. Her thighs gripping him and the bike hard. Her cheek pressed against his shoulder blade.

You hungry? James calls back to her, knowing she is. They skipped breakfast so they could get on the road. She's probably starving. He certainly is.

Ana tilts her head up, yes. But not for food. Her hands move up to his ribs and pecs, pulling his shirt up.

He laughs, you're insatiable, doll. Food first.

She nods and closes her eyes, feeling the warm spring sun heat her face while his skin smolders under her hands.

Eventually he pulls the bike to a stop at a diner with a 50's vibe. Resembling a subway car, with red neon lights outlining the building, rows and rows of windows look out into a gravel parking lot. An old motel sits across the street, the vacancy sigh flashing at them. Ana can smell the musty moth eaten rooms from where James parked the bike.

Ana hops off the bike, to see James' grinning from ear to ear.

I didn't think I'd ever see one of these again. He admits, nearly bouncing on his toes in excitement. I'm getting a chocolate shake and a cheeseburger! He gasps, a double cheeseburger. With fries.

Ana laughs. You are the cutest thing I've ever seen.

I'm not cute. He's eyebrows pull together. And I won't be cute when I'm balls deep in your ass later.

Ana's eyes widen and a smirk crosses her face. How you manage to go from sweet and innocent to dirty and dominate never ceases to amaze me.

I'll show you dirty and dominate as soon as I get a milk shake. He growls at her, pulling her body in close to his and kisses the top of her head leading her inside.

Ana sits at the table across from James, drinking a cup of coffee and eyeing him over the mug. His eyes rolling into the back of his head when he takes the first sip of chocolate milkshake.

That must be good, you don't even look like that when you have an orgasm. Ana laughs.

This is amazing. He shakes his head, keeping his eyes closed.

When was the last time you had one? She asks softly, watching him in awe.

He's quiet for moment, his mind working in over drive trying to remember.

He shrugs, maybe 1943? It was before the war.

Ana nods. Her eyes falling the her coffee in her hand.

Kroska... What is it? He looks at her concerned.

You just ... take my breath away sometimes, that's all.

James reaches across the table, his fingers brushing against the back of her hand. His eyebrows pulled together hard looking at her.

She sighs, you've experienced so much, more than anyone ever should have too. You've suffered alone for so long, and yet you still manage to find joy in something as simple as a milkshake.

I haven't been alone for 15 years doll. And it's more than the milkshake. Which is delicious. He chuckles. It's you too. It's sitting in a place that reminds me of when I was a normal kid in Brooklyn, on a date with a beautiful dame. My soulmate, my fiancé.

Ana blushes. I love you James Buchanan Barnes.

Instead of smiling at her, his eyes burn into her with a fierceness she hasn't seen from him in years.

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