The Call

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August 2018.

A week had past since Ana's panic attack. Steve and Ana hadn't seen James since that morning, which Ana was glad about. Every time James is around, her mind clouds and she struggles to keep her emotions in check. She hates that he does that to her. It isn't fair to either of them. Steve or James. Steve most of all. He's such an amazing husband and father. All she wants is to keep Steve happy.

She sighs, looking out at the garden where her son plays with his father. Maybe it's time they leave Wakanda. Since the Avenger's barely exist they could make up with Tony, and come back to the States. Ana nods to herself, deciding it's time to go home, time to retire for good. Time to get away from James.

Steve looks over and sees Ana deep in thought, her eyes brows pulled together dramatically while she chews on her lip.

Baby, you're beautiful face is going to stay like that if you don't relax those muscles. He teases her.

Ana looks up at him. I want to go home.

OK, he looks at her confused. We can go home. Baby bird, mommy's being weird. Time to go in.

No Steven, I want to go home home. As in, not Wakanda anymore. I want to go back to the States. With Sam and Nat, and Clint! God I miss him. Wanda and ... she gasps... Scott! I miss his smart ass comments... and Tony. She whispers under her breath.

You want to leave Wakanda? Steve asks as he walks up next to his wife. She nods.


I miss our extended family, and I want to get away from James. I want it to just be us. You, me and the kids. I want to get on an airplane and see Clint and Laura without being a fugitive. I love Wakanda. But I don't want to live here anymore.

Ok baby, if that's what you want. He smiles at her. She wants to leave James. He finally won. He finally has her to himself.

You need to call Tony, tell him we're coming back.

Steve inhales hard. You should probably call Tony.

You need to retire, that's the Accords. Therefore you have to call Tony.

I'm kind of already retired, two years ago. He looks down. And so did you.


After we got engaged. I sent Tony a letter, thanking him for everything he did for us, apologizing for not agreeing about the Accords and the whole thing with Bucky. And I turned in our pagers and our tractors.

Ana lifts an eyebrow. Why didn't you ever tell me?

I didn't want you to be mad.

Well I'm not mad, but does this mean we can go home?

I think so. But we should probably still lay low, I don't think the government would be thrilled about a super solider and a mutant weapon of mass destruction running around, not to mention their gifted children.

Ana nods. So that's it, we're going home?

We're going home.


A week later, Ana and Steve stand on the Barton's porch as the sun sets. His arms wrapped around her, pinning her against the white railing. Her head rests on hard chest. Her hands holding onto him. She smiles as the sun sinks behind the trees on the other side of field where the jet is cloaked.

Thank you. She whispers.

For what? He leans down so his face rests against her head.

For bringing us home.

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