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Stark Tower, New York City. November 2024.

James sits next to Ana on his bed, watching Ana nurse his daughter, his arm draped over Ana's shoulder. A smile stretches across his face, finally feeling complete. Ana leans against him, her head resting on his shoulder while her fingers run through Natalie's hair. Steve stands in the doorway, his arms folded across his chest. His eyes on Ana.

You can come in. Ana's voice low when she speaks to Steve. Her eyes slowly meeting his.

We should discuss how this is going to work. He suggests as he pushes off the doorframe and walks into the room. He sits on the bed next to Ana, facing her and James.

I get today, you get tomorrow? James suggests with a laugh.

I'm serious. Steve warns.

So am I. James argues.

That's unrealistic. Ana whispers. Her free hand reaching for Steve. And what about sex, I'm already sleeping with both of you. Basically.

I'm not fucking Steve. James declares making Ana laugh.

Ana rolls her eyes. Leave that to me please.

Thanks. Steve shakes his head. I think Buck is right though, it'll be easier that way. I don't have to worry about if you fooled around with him right before I go to kiss you or something.

Why do we have to have rules, why can't you both just trust that I won't be sexually intimate with one of you and then immediately kiss the other?

Do you know us at all? We're jealous, of each other 98% of the time when it comes to you. But having days helps us cope.

Ok, but then ... whose bed do I sleep in? I don't want either of you to sleep alone.

Again, I'm not sleeping with Steve.

James Buchanan. You'll sleep where I tell you if you want this to work.

Baby, Bucky and I are not together... you and I are and you and him are. We aren't all sleeping in the same bed. Whose ever day it is, determines whose bed you sleep in.

Ana looks down, not liking the idea of Steve sleeping alone or James for that matter on Steve's days. She smiles sadly at the little girl nestled in her arms.

What about the kids?

We raise them together, as ours. Steve suggests.

With two fathers? Ana asks.

Why not. James shrugs.

Ana chews on her lip, we're supposed to be married in just over 3 months. What now? She whispers

Steve and James exchange a look, James gives a single nod and kisses the top of Ana's head.

You and I will be married in March, as planned. Your name stays the same.


Yes. James answers. And after you guys have been married for while and we can manage a way to move to Wakanda. Then I'll marry you.

So I can have you both? You're serious?

We've been suggesting it for years Ana. Steve laughs. You're too damn stubborn.

34 years old and I'm in a relationship with two men. Ana shakes her head. What are the rules on affection if it isn't your day?

No sex in any way. James answers too quickly.

And no kissing, on the mouth. Steve adds.

But everything else is ok?

We figured out how to be intimate without sex a year ago, we just do that on his days. James reminds her.

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