A Bargin

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What do you want Sharon? Sam asks, standing outside the large bay door.

The sun hitting the concrete makes heat rise from the pale grey surface. Ana squints into the bright light, the sun blasting them right in the eyes. No wonder Sharon picked this specific location to talk. Theres no clear way for the Avengers to see what lays beyond the haze.

Sweat builds under Ana's kevlar at the small of her back. She knows the guys are as equally uncomfortable. Her katanas sheathed in her back harness, two Glocks sit on her hips and an additional tucked into her ankle hoister. She also made sure to grab Natasha's old Widow Bites, two bracelets that discharge electricity. She knew Nat would want her to have them for today.

Steve stands at Ana's right side, Mjölnir held firmly in his grasp. The Captain America shield hooked onto his back curtsy of Sam. James stands to Ana's left an M249 SAW rests on his left hip. A glock 17 tucked into the shoulder holster strapped around his back and chest. Thor stands behind Ana and James, spinning Storm Breaker in his palm, his cape billowing in the wind, making him look very God like. Sam in his upgrade Flacon suit. The rest of the team inside the hanger, waiting for the signal.

Why Samual, you gave the shield back to Steve. Couldn't handle being Captain? Sharon taunts.

Sam ignores Sharons jabs.

I'll ask you one more time. What do you want?

She sneers, thinking she has the upper hand. Not realizing the numbers that lay inside the hanger. Sam called in a special favor. They made their arrival minutes before Sam lead Ana out to Sharon. Not even Ana knows.

I want everything she has. Her blue eyes bore into Ana's very black ones.

Ana scoffs. Everything I have? And what is that exactly.

I want him. Sharon nods towards Steve.

No. Steve answers.

You are completely insane if you think I'm going to give you my husband. Ana shifts towards Steve.

Either you hand over your precious Captain or we kill the Avengers. Starting with these two.

A dozen red dots appear on James and Thor's chests.

Ana's head snaps in the direction the lasers are coming from, squinting in the sunlight. She's stalling, trying to figure out a way out of this. She needs to protect James and Steven.

Come on Ana, I'm not asking a lot. I just want your husband. You can trade him for you soulmate's life can't you? For the lives of your family. He's only one man, it isn't like he's your soulmate.

Ana and Steve exchange a look, she shakes her head slightly. Instructing him not to say a word about being soulmates.

Do I have your word, you won't hurt them. Any of them? Steve steps forward. Ana exhales sharply, like someone sucked the air from her lungs and smacked her with it. She shakes her head violently, moving towards him. He holds out his hand to stop her and drops Mjölnir, it clangs hard when it hits the concrete.

Captain Rogers are you giving yourself up? Sharon grins like a child.

As long as you promise me, you won't hurt anyone.

You have my word, I won't hurt anyone. Sharon stares at Steve, unable to believe how easy it was for him to leave his wife. She hadn't even threatened Ana yet. But she's grateful she didn't have to use force and risk messing up his handsome face.

He unhooks his shield and hands it to Sam before turning to Ana.

Baby, if I don't go with her she's going to kill Bucky and then you will die. I can't risk anything happening to you. I'll escape as soon as I can, I promise.

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