Airplanes, Arguments and Allies

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Madripoor, Indonesia. May 2024.

James, Ana and Sam follow Zemo out of the garage and onto a large tarmac, fancy cars and luxury personal jets scatter the runways. A small white and tan jet idols a short walk from the garage they just left. The morning sun warming Ana's skin through her soft leather jacket, burning away the chill of the morning. It reflects harshly off of the concrete under their feet. She reaches for James' hand, and looks down when she feels cloth instead of skin. She makes a face at him, scrunching her eyebrows together, making him chuckle. He quickly pulls off his glove and shoves it in his pocket, as he grabs for her hand. Their palms pressing together while their fingers interlock.

Sorry doll, habit. He lifts his bionic arm, showing her another gloved hand.

Why do you hide it? You never used to. She whispers as they walk. Ana in-between James and Sam. Zemo in front of them.

The world knows who James Barnes is now, I don't want everyone to see me as the monster I am.

Ana stops walking, forcing him to stop too. He looks over to Sam, who hesitates seeing Ana and James stop. James waves him off, telling him they'll be right there.

James Buchanan Barnes. Ana voice no longer a whisper. You are not a monster.

You have to say that, because of you're my ... we'll talk about that later. But you above all others know what I've done. Fuck, I shot my soulmate. Strangled her once too. If I'm not a monster what am I. He starts walking again, making Ana follow. He picks up the pace to catch up to the others, practically dragging Ana until she speaks again.

You know Steve used to call me a monster, when he found out I was Jade. In fact he called me one seconds before he whipped his shield around a room and hit me with it. Breaking 4 ribs and throwing me through a glass wall, shoving a 6 inch shard into my lung. Who was the monster there? The woman that hurt people to protect the man she loves. Or the man who nearly killed the woman he loved because he couldn't control his temper.

But I made you what you are, I was too selfish to just let you die.

How is wanting to save your soulmate make you a monster? She asks.

It's not, it's what my soulmate had to do because of what I made her become. You've killed people because of me. We've taken so many lives Ana.

Ana nods, and I would do it all again if it meant keeping you. She gives him a small laugh, just before reaching the plane. They stop while Zemo talks to an older man standing at the base of the steps. Ana takes her sunglasses off and slides them through her hair while she looks to James. Sam looks over, trying to pay attention to whatever they're talking about.

Did you know I can lift Thor's hammer. Only the worthy can wield it. I wouldn't be able to, Steve wouldn't be able to if we were monsters. But I can.

James lifts an eyebrow and looks at Sam. He smirks and nods. Your girl is extraordinary.

James meets Ana's eyes, suddenly struck by her.

You and I are no different. And I love you for giving me the opportunity to be yours, even if that means I had to become this to do so. You are not a monster, you are James Buchanan Barnes, you are my soulmate, the love of my life, and you are a good man. You would have made an incredible Avenger, and you'll make a great husband and father. So, no more hiding this.

She lifts his bionic arm and takes the glove off his hand. This is beautiful. She kisses his knuckles. This is you, and the unbelievable story of what you've had to overcome. You are not damaged or broken, you are the strongest man I've ever met and if the world can't see that and love you for you... for all of you. Fuck them, because they don't deserve you anyway.

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