
76 1 0

 June 2024

James spent the night walking around the city, having no idea where he was. Barely taking in his surrounding, deep in thought. He realized he'd been out all night when he saw the sun peaking through the sky scrapers, just kissing the horizon. He looks around, trying to gage where he is. And laughs despite him self realizing he's a block from Steve's.

After he'd made the decision to tell Ana what he wants, he must have started walking back in her direction. Like a magnet pulling him back to her. An invisible force tying them together. He reaches Steve's building, punches in the key code and climbs the stairs to Steve's floor.

He uses his key and lets himself into Steve's place, noticing no one is awake yet. Sam lay snoring softly on the couch, his arm draped over his face. Zemo huddled on the recliner, he's chin on his chest. James decides to wake Ana, to love her this morning and reconnect with her. He takes off his jacket and heads to her room. Noticing her door is open he peaks inside, her bed empty. Her clothing from the night before on a pile at the foot of the bed.

A faint moan catches his attention. He turns around and presses an ear to Steve's door. Sure enough, he hears Ana gasp and groan. Followed by a deeper moan by Steve. James realizes Ana and Steve are together. He pushes open Steve's door and sees his girl straddling his best friend. Her naked body on display, a sheet pooling around her hips. Steve's hands wrapped around her back and waist. Her head tilted back in ecstasy while she rocks against Steve, her body lifting slightly as she rides him. Steve sits up, still connected to Ana. His hands slide up her back possessively and his mouth finds Ana's. He holds her close to his chest while she grinds on his dick. Ana gasps at the new angle.

Are you fucking kidding me? James' speaks finally able to find his voice. 

In all the years he and Steve had shared Ana he's never actually seen her with him like this. Now that he's watching her, hearing her make those sounds for someone else he's livid.

James sees red.

Ana turns the best she's able while in Steve's arms when she hears James. Her eyes wide in surprise followed by a flash of guilt.

James. His name coming from her mouth at a time like this makes him sick. He wants to hurt someone, destroy something. He spins around, leaving the door wide open and takes off down the hall.

James, wait. He hears Ana call out to him.

He swings the front door open, leaving it open when he stomps through it and down the steps towards the street.

He's never been so angry, so hurt in all his life. The anger he felt from being the Winter Soldier doesn't compare to how he feels. He had hoped that she would wait to fuck Steve again until after they had talked. Once again Steve didn't give James a fucking chance to fight for her.

He feels like he's constantly being one upped by Steve. Some best friend he is. And some soulmate she is. James doesn't want her as a soul mate anymore. He can't compete with Captain Fucking America so he isn't going to try anymore. Ana has made her choice, that's clear. It's Steve, it's always fucking Steve. He needs to get Ana out of his system. If she's going to fuck someone else, then so can he. 


James walks down the wet sidewalks towards the large mansion at the end of the road. Rain falls steadily, soaking his hair and clothing. The weather like his mood. It's been three days since he walked in on Ana and Steve, but after the company from girl at the diner, the whore in the alley, his neighbor and the one from the airport he's still furious and every time he's with someone else his brain processes the other woman as Ana.

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