Baby Blues

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Stark Tower, New York City. November 2024

In the weeks after their scare, James and Ana were noticeably more comfortable together. Although she came back to Steve, things between them have been tense. James can tell that Steve is trying to put the events behind him. But has been struggling, especially when Ana came back to him wearing not only his tags, but James' as well.

Ana and James slowly started showing each other more affection, but making an attempt not to do so around Steve. He however, took notice to the longer glances, unnecessary touching and hugging. All things that hadn't happened before that halloween night. He saw how Ana seemed to glow when James was close to her. And James no longer kept his distance from Ana or his baby. Every chance James had, he would touch Ana or he'd lean in close and talk to his daughter.

One night, three weeks after Halloween, Steve walked in to the living room to find Samual and AJ asleep on the floor, while Ana and James sat close together. Ana's feet in James' hand, she smiled affectionately at him while he rubbed her sore ankles. While she rubs her fingers along the back of his neck. The light from the TV reflecting off of Ana's face as she looked at James. Anyone on the outside would think they were together. In fact Steve wasn't sure he and Ana we together anymore.

Anastasia. Steve called from behind the couch. Making Ana jump, she quickly pulled her legs away from James and tucked them under her.

Hi baby.

Bed. He ordered, making Ana feel like a child. Ana turns towards her sons sleeping on the floor. She moves to pick up AJ, scooping him up and walking with him past Steve. She doesn't say a word or meet his eyes.

Want me to get him?

James nods towards Samual, he could tell by the look on Steve's face he and Ana were about to fight. It had been happening more and more often. Ever since the morning she came home after spending the night with James to make the bleeding stop.

Thanks. Steve turns away and follows Ana, waiting for her in their room.

Ana walks quietly into her room after laying AJ down in his own room. Steve sits on the bed, his sad eyes following her as she walks past him. She meets his eyes briefly before waking into the bathroom. She feels a fight coming on.

Steve has yet to want to actually talk about what happened on Halloween, instead he picks fights or pretends to ignore the whole thing.

Are you finally ready to talk about what happened? Ana asks Steve quietly from the bathroom. He hears the water running, and waits for Ana to finish.

You left as mine, and came back as his. What is there to talk about? He looks at her angrily.

I'm still yours.

Really? Because it doesn't feel that way, and it doesn't look that way. He shakes his head.

Of course it doesn't, you don't touch me. You barely kiss me, and you haven't had sex with me since before Halloween.

How can you expect me to touch you. Every time I want to I see him on you. The two of you are clearly together. I said this would happen. Ana sighs and sits next to him on the bed.

He isn't here now Steven. It's just us. She reaches out for his hand, her fingers tangling with his. Her heart skips a beat. Having not felt him intimately in too long.

Are we together Ana? Are you still with me? He turns towards her, eyes searching her sadly.

Yes baby, we are. If you still want me. Ana's hand moves through his hair.

I'll always want you. But what about him?

Ana exhales slowly, James and I are trying to stay connected without being too intimate. Unless we want another episode like Halloween.

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