Make Love To Me 2

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Told you it would get dark😔
But after the dark clouds rain and pour, comes the rainbow.🌈

Double Update!
Happy Thanksgiving or Chuseok!

Han > 18
Han & Lee Know >
Han & Hyunjin >
Han, Lee Know, Hyunjin > 8


He couldn't muster up the courage to tell Han yet. He already stopped making advances on him because of how uncomfortable he became before the act. Even if Seungmin begged him, he had become afraid of his reactions. The man would never touch him again if he knew he was subconsciously being hurt. And that's not at all what he wanted.

He would ask Hyunjin and Lee Know Hyung to help him bypass the trauma.

"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you." Lee Know asked him for the hundredth time.

"I don't think this is a good idea. Why don't you just fûck Han instead?" Hyunjin also stated his opinion for the thousandth time.

Can't really blame them for being worried. He did just drop a bomb on them but also wants them to test said explosives.

"Yes I'm sure. You wouldn't be really hurting me. And the same reaction happens when I try to with him. Plus it doesn't matter what you think. It matters what I want. And I know for a fact I don't want to spend the rest of my life afraid to have sex with the people I love." He huffed out in one breath to shut them up. "So please. Just shut up and help me." He begged a final time. Pleading them with his eyes to just do it.

Begrudgingly, they finally agreed to help him. Since he can never get to the fingering stage with Han before he convulses that's what they would practice working up to. And God was it excruciating for both parties. Though Seungmin didn't feel any physical pain when they touched him he always jumped or convulsed even when he knew and anticipated their moves. For a good 2 weeks they couldn't get past lightly grazing his hole.

They tried distracting him as much as possible even to the point they'd be watching a movie and feeling him up. He worked on pushing down the convulsion he knew was coming before they happened and after 2 weeks he finally stopped jumping from just a touch. After that, as he faced Hyunjin and they made out intensely to help keep him distracted, Lee Know managed to push one finger in him just slightly before he noticed. Only when he felt the slight discomfort did it bring on another reaction.


The first time Lee Know managed to push his finger in to the first knuckle he had a panic attack. His breaths became labored, so Lee Know immediately stopped. After that, they didn't want to try again for a good while. He tried to do it himself only to react the same though a little less severely. It took about a month to convince them again. And then another 2 months, but now up to 2 fingers in before he stopped reacting so horribly.

Every time he practiced stopping the reactions before they started, they got a little further. He would practice breathing exercises with one of them as the other tried stretching him out and lightly scissoring. It was most efficient. And only when they'd had two fingers in for the longest time they ever had without a reaction did he finally feel something other than discomfort or panic.

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