Chapter 56

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"She's so cute," Zelda croaked, admiring Wendy. The ancient turkey vulture nuzzled the young red tailed hawk. Giggling, Wendy rolled over onto her back. This prompted the vulture to tickle her exposed stomach. Wendy laughed her head off.

A few hours had passed. Wendy and Tiberius were staying with Mercury and the Council for a while before they had to travel again. Everyone was settling down for the night, eating dinner while watching the sunset. The sky was painted with vibrant colors from fiery red to midnight blue. Soon the sun went down and the moon rose with the stars.

"So you were kidnapped by people who were trying to sell you?" Mercury commented, his mouth full with trout. Swallowing a bite of gray squirrel, Tiberius nodded his head and explained, "Yeah, there were these two people, twins I believe, who were behind the operation. They had so many animals in cages, all of which they stole for money."

"And they thought you were a bald eagle?"


"How the heck-"

"No idea."

"I'm tired," Wendy mumbled, padding over to the two friends. Tiberius and Mercury looked down at her as she curled up beside the former. She was fast asleep in seconds, tuckered out from playing with the other kids and Zelda all afternoon. Tiberius wrapped his wing over her, keeping the youngster warm. Watching silently, Mercury murmured, "Cute kid."

"Yeah, she's sometimes a handful," Tiberius spoke softly, gazing down at Wendy. The young hawk was probably dreaming by now. Finishing his fish, Mercury offered, "You can always come with us. With the early snow coming, travel is going to be hard. Best wait the winter out down south then head back up in spring." Shaking his head, Tiberius replied, "You know I won't do that. My owner needs me, and so do my friends."

"You have to be the craziest hawk alive if you're heading north with winter coming early," Mercury chuckled. He then asked, "Why aren't you flying back? You would be back home in no more than a week."

"Can't do that. Wendy is afraid of heights."

"Wha- what hawk is afraid of heights?!"

"You're looking right at her."

"She's gonna have to learn how to conquer that fear, Tiberius," Mercury stated. Looking the old hawk in the eye, the bald eagle continued, "What's going to happen when the snow comes, or if you get injured? Tiberius, you're the only thing she has left. If something bad happens to you, you both won't survive the trip home."

"I know you are concerned," Tiberius responded. Placing his wing on Mercury's shoulder, he went on, "But I'm gonna be fine. I need to get us both home. Have faith in me." Sighing softly, Mercury muttered, "Then may the Tribe of the Heavenly Stars watch over you my friend."

"You as well pal."

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