Chapter 21

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"Do we have to go up there?" Wendy whimpered, her head tipped back. A minute or two before, her companion had found a sleeping spot. Unfortunately, it was a very tall tree, the lowest branch being near the top. She trembled with fear as she looked over at the other red tail.

"No," Tiberius muttered. Breathing a huge sigh of relief, Wendy remarked, "Oh thank goodness, I really do hate heights."

"I'm going in the tree," Tiberius spoke emotionlessly, "And you're staying on the ground."

"By myself?"

"Yes indeed."

"We should stick together though!"

"Oh, ya know what? That's actually a really good idea!"


"Yeah, I can even read you a bedtime story!"

"Sounds like fun!"

"I'm being sarcastic. Get a rattlesnake or something to read you a bedtime story."

"But I don't want to be alone down here."

"Either get over your fear of heights, learn to fly or get away from me. I suggest the third option."

"Can you please stay down here with me?"

"No. End of conversation."

"Please-" Wendy begged but the old hawk ignored her pleas as he opened his wings. Without even looking back at her, he flew up to the top of the tall tree and settled on one of the highest branches. Yellow eyes watering up, Wendy curled up at the base of the trunk. Freezing and scared, she cried herself to sleep.

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