Chapter 60

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"Easy, this might sting a bit," Zelda warned, her voice muffled from the soaked moss she held in her beak. She gently pressed the wet bundle against the injury on Tiberius's flank. The old hawk hissed in pain. Continuing with her work, Zelda murmured, "Calm down, it'll be over soon."

"If you tell me to calm down one more time, I'm gonna hurl myself over a cliff," Tiberius grumbled, biting back a screech. His side was killing him right now. It hurt so much. Shuddering, he rested his chin on the ground just as Mercury came over.

"You're still bleeding?" Mercury questioned, surprised. Throughout the night, Zelda and the healers had been tending to both Tiberius and Harry's wounds. The latter was all patched up now but Tiberius was still bleeding from the wound on his right flank. The sun was beginning to rise now. His light brown eyes filled with pain, Tiberius muttered sarcastically, "Yeah, make sure you congratulate Harry. He got me good."

"The wounds are very deep. It's a miracle they're not any deeper or else you'd be bleeding out a lot more if one of your vital organs was hit," Zelda commented. Sighing heavily, Mercury laid down beside Tiberius. "How is she?" the bald eagle asked quietly, gesturing to Wendy.

Sighing softly, Tiberius glanced down at Wendy. The young hawk was curled up beside him, fast asleep. She had never once left him after what had happened last night. He recalled how she would not stop crying. She had been devastated by everything. In an effort to get her to calm down so she and the other healers could patch up Tiberius, Zelda had given Wendy some thyme for shock and a few poppy seeds. The youngster was still sleeping those seeds off. "She's..." Tiberius murmured, "She's doing alright I suppose."

"She was very upset last night," Zelda chimed in. Humming softly in response, Mercury replied, "The Council has decided to let Harry stay with us. But until he can control his grief and anger, he's not allowed to be alone with the children." Tiberius and Zelda nodded in agreement. That was a good idea. Pausing for a moment, Mercury added, "And I think it'd be best for him to stay away from Wendy."

"Well, good thing she and I are heading north to New York City," Tiberius remarked. Dropping the herbs and cobwebs she had in her beak, Zelda exclaimed, "You can't be serious! For crying out loud, you're severely injured! If you continue traveling north on foot like you've been doing, you are going to get yourself killed! The both of you!" With that last part, the ancient turkey vulture pointed at the slumbering Wendy. Looking up at the healer, Tiberius retorted, "If we stay here, we're taking a risk of Harry attacking her again! Do you want that?!"

"Zelda, enough. We both know he's not going to back down," Mercury pointed out. Huffing, Zelda picked up the herbs and cobwebs before going back to work. Turning to Tiberius, Mercury murmured, "I do suggest you reconsider. You're hurt and Wendy can't fly. Plus, the snow is coming early this year. Stay with us, just for the winter. By the time spring returns, you'll be healed and back with your owner in no time."

"As tempting as your offer is, old friend, I can't," Tiberius spoke softly, "I've been away from home far longer than I wanted. I need to get home to my owner." Gesturing to Wendy, he added, "Besides, I think it's best we put as much distance as possible between Wendy and her father."

"I see," Mercury rumbled quietly, bowing his head. Getting up to his feet, the bald eagle pointed out, "We leave in three days. Rest for now, save your energy. You'll need all of your strength to get you both home." Gazing down at Wendy with soft eyes, he murmured, "You're all she has left. Take good care of her."

"I'll try," Tiberius replied. Watching Mercury walk away, the old hawk sighed and looked down at Wendy. Even asleep, she still seemed upset, like her dreams had been plagued by nightmares. Nuzzling her gently, the red tail whispered, "I'll try."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2021 ⏰

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