Chapter 12

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Three Days Later...

"I'm so hungry..." Wendy whimpered for probably the hundredth time within an hour. Rolling his light brown eyes in annoyance as he muttered something under his breath, Tiberius glared daggers at the month old hawk. "Maybe if you wouldn't wolf down your food in a matter of seconds, you wouldn't be complaining so much. Now shut your trap before I make ya!" the old red tail hissed angrily. He was not in the mood for messing around, especially with youngsters like Wendy. Speaking of which, Wendy had retreated to her corner and curled up into a ball.

Sighing long and hard as he went back to his thoughts, Tiberius scanned the room again. For the past three days, the old hawk had done his best to ignore Wendy and search for any possible exits. So far, he couldn't find any other than the keys and he was slowly losing his patience. He either needed to get the keys from Val and Chris or die in a cage with a stupid youngster. Growling slightly, he rammed his shoulder against the cage door.

"Are we ever gonna get out of here?" Wendy mumbled from her little corner.

"What did I tell you?" Tiberius muttered. No response came thankfully. Looking around the room one more time, he heard footsteps coming towards the locked door. At that same time, he had glanced over at Wendy. An idea popping into his head, the old hawk quietly put his plan into action. Leaning against the side of the cage, he let out a little whimper of pain.

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