Chapter 27

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Fortunately for Tiberius, he had managed to cling to the rocky edge of the ravine. Digging his talons and beak in as far as he could into the rocks, he glanced over his shoulder the best he could to see the log crash into the muddy river running below. Breathing a huge sigh of relief, the old hawk glanced up to find Wendy gazing down at him. "You okay?" she asked. The only response that Wendy received was a growl.

Noticing that the rain was practically dumping buckets down by now, Tiberius got ready to climb up the slippery rocks. However, when he went to move his right foot, he couldn't move it. It felt like someone or something had a hold on it. Stealing a glance down, the old hawk realized that his right foot was caught in a small crevice. Not wanting to know how the heck he had managed to get it stuck in there, he pulled as hard as he could, trying to free himself. No success. Tugging harder now, he almost lost his grip with his beak. Plus, the rain and mud weren't helping at all.

Seeing that her companion seemed to be in trouble, Wendy frantically tried to think of a solution. At that same time, the old red tail had just lost his grip to the rock he had been clinging to with his beak. If it hadn't been for his stuck leg, he would've surely fallen backwards and get caught in the muddy river below. But now it was going to be harder getting him on the bank. Spying something, Wendy quickly grabbed and got to work.

Hanging upside down and looking at the river beneath him, Tiberius was startled when he saw a long vine drop down beside his head.

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