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Krist P.O.V


This is a nice restaurant uncle Johnny. I am glad I let you suggest this place instead of one of the typical uptight fancy places were you cant really enjoy yourself that I suggested.

Isn't this place nice Singto!

Yes love , it is quite nice indeed.

Blahhhhhhhhhh. Spare me the lovey-dovey talk and those googly eyes you have demon. Looking like a happy puppy following his master.

Uncle what made you choose this place and assume I would like it?

Well what little time I known you.You don't seem like the type who like those fancy restaurant with those rich snotty people, so I thought maybe you was thinking I would like something like that but I don't. So I chose this place.

Even though you are probably richer then anybody that will be in there.

I am not rich, it is my brother who is rich not me.

Oh! I see that your boyfriend and brother haven't told you yet, I'm sorry.

Tuan! What the hell is he talking about?

What? You din't know?

Didn't your brother give you a bank card to your account? And what about the bank card I gave you!

Did you not check the balance on either one of them?

No! Why would I do that? I just thought it was money card for monthly allowance from both of you, so I could be independent. That's what you both told me.

You both say these cards is for you, so you don't have to ask for money for school supplies or what ever you want. Like clothes,shoes and other stuff a growing teenager need.

How the hell am I to know you idiots gave me large sums of money.

Well you might as well add one more idiot to that list. Here this is from your uncle Timmy.

He was going to give it to you today but he been stuck with those old fuddy-duddies all day.

Krist, like it or not. This is what you are entitled to. You may have been born with yours and Kristy soul but your body is flesh and bones and they are family to Timmy and your brother John.

OK! I understand them two but what about you Romeo?

That's easy, because you are my partner in crime,my ride or die or even better my soulmate love.

Blaahhh now I am going to hurl. I swear you men sometimes I wonder....uhm never mind forget it, lets just enjoy dinner and you uncle Johnny can tell me how you got together with my uncle.

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Johnny P.O.V


Why are you sitting in that chair brushing your teeth? Instead of in the bathroom like any normal person.

I am waiting on my kitten to come back to his master so I can take care of him and give him some of my home made cream.

Pervert! And who are you calling master and who are you calling kitten.

Sometimes I question my sanity because I actual married you. You must have drugged me for me to volunteer to put up with you forever.

I love you too my feisty kitten. So how did the meeting go with those old fuddy-duddies?

Are they going to leave your nephew Krist alone or will they try to take him for themselves, so that they can control him.

No, I talk them out of that.

That is because they don't know about Krist being bond to two demons, they only think he his dating Singto.

And didn't form a bond because Krist didn't have any of the markings on his body like Kristy had.

Do they not know that they're many different kinds of bonds that a demon could do that don't leave marks.

They do but most marks that demons do and leave on people usually kill them or drive them mad ,because humans can not bare the burden of the beast.

Granted most demon don't bond with humans because that will give other demons a chance to kill them because even though they are immortal.

Humans are not as strong as demons, so that's why demons don't bond with humans the way Krist has bonded with Singto and his best friend  Godtrick.

They probably knew Krist wouldn't be a weakness for them because Krist has the order protecting him as well as themselves.

Well! Krist use to have the order complete protection by them, before he started using dark spells, chants and what knots.

If they knew the half of the stuff Krist could do, they wouldn't hesitate to take Krist .

You know most of the order are super religious freaks who don't like the fact that to two men can be together. let alone Krist is with a male demon.

You know how much hell we had to go through just to be together and now you are talking about someone who can wield Gods light ,so of course they are not gonna like that.

If they find out Krist has bond sexually with not one, but two demons. I think they might try to kill him and hope he is reborn again so his soul can be purified.

Like that will happen. Between his two demon,his brother,his friends which now include a third demon and two very strong and handsome uncles. Those elders of the order don't stand a chance.

OK! That is enough about Krist and the Order of the elders tonight. I would like to take my husband/feisty kitten to bed and have our own bonding time.


You know you love it baby.

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                                                                                         Your Writer,

                                                                                                  Jay Dog.

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