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Singto POV...

I watch as Krist stand in front of his cake getting ready to blow the candles out. When looked up at me blinking his eyes. That's when I felt a power surge come from him; Is he having a flash back memory of Kristy and is that what spike his power.

I saw him closing his eyes getting ready to fall over. I rushed over to catch him before he can hit the ground. I then try to suppress his spike in power with my own so he doesn't hurt himself or anyone else.

I heard Mother May scream take him to my office. When we reached Mother May office I say Father Lucas give a worry look as I carry Krist to one of the other beds.

He asked me what happen and all I can say is I think he fainted. Mother May came right in after me grabbing some gloves and other things she might need to examine Krist. I stepped aside to let her examine him.

She check his blood pressure,eyes and his temperature. After she was done she sighed in relief; she turn and said that he is dehydrated and tired. I'll give him a I V bag to replace the electrolytes and he should be fine.

She came over and pat me on my shoulder and said hes fine don't worry. I hadn't realize I was crying I never have cried before and I don't like it.

John POV...

I am on my way to pick Krist up even though that demon asshole Singtoritist Rothanjute is there. When my phone start ringing pulling me out my thoughts I looked at the caller ID and it was the orphanage calling. I answer thinking its krist calling to let me know he is ready.

But instead it was Father Leo who called me telling me that krist has fainted from exhaustion and it might not be a good time for him to travel. I took a deep breath and said I on my way already and I would still like to see him to make sure everything is fine.

When I got to the orphanage I stop by the front desk and asked where is the nurses office. The nun looked at me and ask why do you want to know were the nurses office is. I told her that I got a call telling me that my bro.. I mean friend has fainted. I almost forgot Krist doesn't want the kids to know and I almost said it in front the nun and the two kids behind her. That I didn't see at first before I start talking to the nun.

When I open the nurses door, the first thing I see is that demon hovering over Krist, I nodded to him and the look he gave me let me know it was not just tired and dehydrated. I came in greeted everybody their and made my way to Krist bed.

Krist POV...

Everything is black I can't see anything "is everybody alright" are the kids alright I ask myself. Was that a memory or was that real explosion." Wait" why did I say memory I never been to that place before especially with that guy Singto.

What is happening to me? when I can't tell weather I have a flashback of somebody memories or am I going crazy. I hear voices and I try to focus on who was talking. I can't make out who's talking at first then the voices became clear. It was the Fathers Leo and Lucas, Mother May and John.

Then I heard this sexy voice say I think he is waking up "What a minute" did I just say sexy voice about a man and not just any man but that asshole Singto.

I open my eyes and see all people who voices I heard earlier looking at me. I feel my face flush and turning slight red. I hate I get to shy easily. I try to sit up, but I'm still a little groggy. Singto came closer and help me by putting a pillow behind my back. I looked at him like "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING".

Mother May saw my face and said don't you dare. Your friend has been worried about you and he was the one that caught you so you didn't hit the ground. So don't you dare do anything but say thank you.

I turn to Singto and shyly say thank you."yeah" thank you for doing your job that my brother pays you to do. I couldn't help it I had to throw a dig in their because we are not friends like he said we are master and servant.

Mother May looked at me with a scowl on her face. I blink at her innocently like what!What I do wrong. She just sighed and shook her head. (um um) John cleared his throat. He look at me and said we don't think you should travel right now and should wait until you are better.

I looked at all of them telling them I am fine and I am okay to travel, but Father& Mother say no. I looked at Singto who has this look telling me that we need to leave as soon as possible. I looked at John and he gave me the same look Singto gave me. I don't know what's going on but it must be serious if they want me to leave so bad.

I turn to Fathers Leo and Lucas and Mother May telling them I fine and I need to go so I can register for school (that's the first thing that popped in my head)I would be attending or I would have to wait another whole year to attend. I promise to take it easy especially on that long ass flight to Bangkok. Where I will be going to Bangkok University and try to learn siamese as well.

 Where I will be going to Bangkok University and try to learn siamese as well

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They nodded understanding

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They nodded understanding. A hour later while saying our goodbyes we cried a little promising to keep in touch and I would come visit in the summer when I have a brake from school because it is a long flight from Bangkok to New Hampshire. I waved goodbye to them from the car saying love you all as they fade from my sight.

I turn and looked at the two men in front of me. I said I want the truth ,the whole truth and nothing but the truth and I want it know.

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