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Johnny P.O.V



Your guests have arrived.

Don't you mean my family has arrived? Yin

Of course sir, my apologies.

Don't sweat it, I was just teasing you, just treat them like you treat us here.

Oh! By the way, have you seen my husband?

I know he wants to be here to greet them when they first come.

I'm here, I just changed real quick.

I don't know why I am so nervous to meet my nephew Krist because hes family.

Maybe I'm feeling guilty for not being able to find him sooner, I wonder if he resents me and the other member of the family on this side.

Because if we found him sooner he wouldn't have to spend most of his life in an orphanage.

Love, Krist will not resent you or anybody else in the family.

You do see him living with John and they are getting along fine, so why would he not get along with us, his other side of the family.

So stop worrying your beautiful mind about unnecessary things and just be glad to finally meet our nephew in person.

You are right, I am overthinking it and also thank you for saying our nephew instead of my nephew.

That's nothing, when I married you, I married all your family to. The good and the bad, just like you inherited my crazy family as well.

Your right everything will be fine, when he gets here we will discuss the situation and also teach him some of our family techniques that has been past down to us from generation to generation and will give us some bounding time to get to know each other.

Krist P

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Krist P.O.V


He doesn't need your washed up tradition, when I can teach my boy better and stronger techniques.Gxxod said.

Ouch! What was that for?

For opening your mouth asshole, you are already on thin ice.

Don't get on my bad side even more and make me hurt you for real.

I'm sorry about that.

HI! My name is Krist and the dickhead who just spoke is my so call friend Godtrick and this is his brother Singtu... I mean Singto.

I'm pretty sure you already know everyone else.

Of course, and it is nice to finally meet you.

I'm your uncle Timmy and this man here is my husband Johnny and the guy standing their is Yin our butler.

If you need anything just ask him.

Well I am a little tired, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind if I relax a little and then myself with you and your husband.

My bad, I mean myself and my two uncles can give me a tour of your lovely home and compound and all its ins an outs.

Sure I know you all must be tired, so please freshen up and relax a little, Yin can you show  all of them to there assigned rooms?

Yes Sir.

I hope you don't mind but I have you and your boyfriend sharing a room.

OH, do all of us have to share a room?

No I just thought since you are dating it will be okay.

Well if that's the case, I will like to have the room to myself and the two brothers can share a room.

I hoped all of you had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed the family and hope you have a good New Year to come. Also if you like this chapter please like,comment,share,vote,follow and add to your reading list. Thanks.

                                                                                                             Your Writer,

                                                                                                                  Jay Dog.

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