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Triple M'S POV...(AKA The NUNS)

Mother May,Mary and Meryl where running around like chickens with their heads cut off. They where putting the final touches to the decorations, setting up booths and preparing the food for Krist Birthday Party.

They know this will be Krist last birthday that they will get to have with him. Mother Mary was setting up the paint booth. This is the booth where the kids could get their face painted. While Mother Meryl was setting up her game booth;This booth has games like bible trivia, horse shoes and the fishing pole game. That also come with great giveaways for the winners.

Mother May's booth was  balloon art or better yet she will make balloon animals for the kids.

While Mother May was putting the final preparations together. She was thinking about last night and that mysterious man. She wanted to ask Krist who he was, but Krist didn't volunteer; so she was not going to pry because that might be Krist boyfriend and he clearly not ready to tell us about it. Krist has always had suitors after him male and female alike but he was adamant that he is straight. I always tell Krist that love has no gender so always keep a open mind.

But the way they stared at each other three days ago had me thinking maybe somebody broke through and mange to steal Krist's heart. Although I'm surprise he know I wouldn't judge him so he should introduce us to the man before he leaves."Wait" maybe they where saying their goodbyes last night because today is his last day here and maybe they broke up and if that's the case why would he introduce us if they broken up.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard kids screaming happy birthday to Krist. I looked at Krist smiling when he was walking into the courtyard.  I stared at him looking cute...I mean handsome he was but raised my eyebrows when I saw him wearing my medical gloves.

Krist POV....

I got up a little sluggish because I didn't get much sleep last night. Because some asshole kept popping in my head last night that I didn't fall asleep until 4:30 in the morning. I looked at the clock and it read 10:45. I set up quickly to see that I was all alone in the room. I know Father Lucas is still in the nurses offices. But where is Father Leo?{I sigh}I just thought he was probably by Father Lucas side. So I quickly ran to take a shower and put on the clothes I pick out before bed last night. It wasn't anything to fancy just a pair of white jeans, baby blue light swear and with a white and gold Gucci belt that my friend got me my last birthday. Also a gold cross and chain around my neck that I made three years ago when I found a few old pieces jewelry I melted down the gold and made a cross but bought the chain at a flea market. I put on my white and blue limited Gucci shoes also given by my best friend and I left my room.

I made a quick stop at the nurses offices and sure enough Father Leo was there. I asked how was Father Lucas and he said fine.He just got a bump on that big head of his. Father Lucas cut in saying I don't have a big head but a normal size head with a smirk on his lips.

I walked over nervously. Father Lucas saw me and said don't be nervous I'm fine and its not your fault. I tripped and bumped my head so stop blaming yourself and looking guilty and put a smile on your face today is your birthday. I nodded and smile with a little relief because he doesn't remember so I guess  Mother May must have told him what happen. I don't have to worry about Father Lucas now. I just got to worry about my hands.

They don't feel anything different or any burning sensation in them. But I am not taking any chances. I walked over to Mother Mays cabinet and grab some gloves to put on. Two or three pair should do it. That is the only thing I can think of at this moment.

I said goodbye and told Father Lucas I will bring him a piece of cake and say goodbye before I leave and told Father Leo see him at the party.

When I arrived  the kids started screaming my name and telling me happy birthday. I smiled at the kids while looking at all the decorations and the amazing setup. I was thinking that I am really going to miss this place. I turn and I see Mother May smiling at me then raised her eyebrow when she looked at my hands. I got to think of something quick and I see Mother Mary's booth and dash over there to where the paint was. Asking if I can help! Snapping my gloves like I was prepared to help.

The other two M's came asking me what am I doing this is your birthday and should be going around having fun.I chimed in saying this is fun for me. You know I love to paint; plus I get to see the kids smile up close.

They let me be and went back to seeing over everything making sure that the party runs smoothly. After about a hour of painting the kids faces. I decided to get something to eat. They had all my favorites. Which I am sure Mother May prepared all by herself because she doesn't allow anyone in the kitchen when she cooks.

I grab a plate put some chicken fried rice on it and some meatballs then grabbed me a pink slushy strawberry lemonade my fave heck anything with strawberry flavor is my favorite. I went to one of the tables to sit and eat. I am enjoying the food the children laughter in the background and the nice atmosphere.

I looked up from my plate. When I saw Mother May coming to join me.She pulled out the chair taking a seat across from me; she sat down her plate on the table and with a huge grin on her face looking at me telling me my friend is here."Godtrick" I said with a smile "NO"she said. Its your friend from last night. My eyes widen when she pointed to the front entrance. I smile at her got up and mumble under my breath(what is that shithead, asshole, douchebag doing here).

When I reached the front entrance I saw him with a smirk on his face which made my blood boil with anger and that made my face red as a strawberry. I asked him what the fuck is he doing here? He just smile and handed me a gift. I looked confused,so you won't tell me your name but you will buy me a gift. I just huff! He rolled his eyes and told me to read the card.I scrunched my face when I read the card.

It reads Happy Birthday Master Krist

From: Your faithful servant Singto




Unknown has a name now and it is Singto. I hope that answered some the questions you asked.

Thanks for the likes and comments . It gives me courage to continue to write. See you in the next chapter. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Love from:Your faithful writer

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