CH. 79

121 9 1

Johnny P.O.V

(JOHNNY,JOHN Krists brother)

Are you guys just going to stand around right their and do nothing or say anything about this.

The fact is that your nephew and your brother, brought a demon into my home. Scratch that he brought three demons in my home.

Then he does this weird pain spell on me and some sort of chain thing on that demon.

Are we sure he is on our side. Just look at the facts.

#1. His best friend is a demon!

#2. His boyfriend is a demon!

And thirdly he just invited a demon without telling anyone and is sharing a room with said demon now.

If he wasn't your nephew love, I would've hurt him or killed him for that shit he pulled today.

I lost two good soldiers because of him.

And need I remind you what he did to that demon, he is working in dark magic, so how can he wills Gods light, if he doesn't have a pure soul.

Who says Krist doesn't have a pure soul?

Yes Krist can be a little naive sometimes, but that's because he wasn't raised as a hunter protector.

Krist was raised in the church orphanage, so he sees the good in people and demons alike.

Yes Krist should've told us he was inviting another demon but his reasoning and deduction that Gxxod might like him, he knows and we all know that Gxxod value Krist above all else and he would not bring anybody into his life that put Krist in harms way.

And you see that he wan'ts sure about the rest of us, so he came up with a plan. And I don't know for sure if Krist used dark magic or he is just evolving.

Anyway the demon cant harm us, so lets see what Krist do next.

Yan Wibo P

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Yan Wibo P.O.V


I can't believe I'm sharing a room with the boy who can destroy us all and he doesn't know it.

It's no wonder Godtrick father wants Krist. I wonder if Godtrick and his brother Singto really know Krist true potential.

Wibo, Wibo yoo-hoo yoo-hoo.

I am brought out my thoughts and see Krist waving his hands in front of my face.

What do you want?

Where did you go just now?

I've been calling you for a good minute.

A penny for your thoughts!

You were thinking about me right, don't worry it seems that every man I'm around thinks of me one way or another.

I wasn't thinking about you like that!

Who said anything about you thinking like that, that's you  that must feel guilty. (giggling)

Hey I'm just playing with you trying to lighten the mood and to say sorry for putting you in a awkward position and for putting those chains in you.

I really want to get to know you and see if you are good for my best friend.

You sound more like a girlfriend checking the competition.

Pshh! Please I have Singto.

But you had sex with Godtrick!

What, are you jealous? Besides that wasn't neither one of us fault. I blame that dam sex demon, he really did a number on me with his poison.

Gxxod just happen to find me first and he tried to stop me but, I had lost my mind with lust and the Singto came so that don't count.

Believe me, that counts and you will find out why that counts later.

I'm sorry for the late update but you all know what is going on in the world. I am trying hunker down and pray for the best. (That is a southern term we us in the south) But if you like this chapter please leave a comment,like,vote,share,follow and add to your reading list. Thanks.

                                                                                                          Your Writer,


                                                                                                                                               P.S. Stay Safe out there.

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