CH. 90

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Krist P.O.V


I blast Singto with another spell and then chant a new one real quick before he can attack me again or gain some of his strength back.

But I wasn't fast enough because, before I could complete the chant I felt Singto lips on mine and he had pinned me to the ground.

I bit his lip because he was cheating. I told him to fight me like I was his enemy not make out with me like a boyfriend.

Ouch! Why did you bite my lip?

Because you were cheating and not fighting me for real. My enemy would not kiss me in the middle of a battle.

He would if he sees how cute you are and wanted to taste your lips before he dies.

And besides we been going at it for five hours now. I think we need a break.

Are you not a demon?


Then you shouldn't be tried and have plenty of stamina.

Oh! If you want stamina I show you what kinda stamina I have my nong Krist.

But seriously I think we should take a break, because we don't know what affect those new spells are doing on your body, so it is better to air on the side caution.

That is the smartest thing you said all day, maybe that last blast knock some since in you.

Lets go freshen up, rest and eat then see if my brother and Tew or my uncles up for some two on two training later this evening.

Good ideal because we most likely will be split up into pairs when we fight this battle, because demons usually work in pairs or groups unless they are a high ranking demon.

Mean while somewhere in the depths of hell.... a poor soul was being tortured.


Koa P

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Koa P.O.V


What was that you said sweetheart?

Please please let me go, I promise I will kill my daughter just make it stop I can't take the pain anymore and dying every day just to be brought back to life to be tortured and killed again.

Darling, that is why they call it hell but some of you get to have some perks for being the most vile and cruelest people on this planet called earth.That some of you get to roam around causing chaos without being tortured.

Please let me go and I will do it. I will kill my whole family, not just my daughter!

Okay? If I do, you have three hours to get the job done or I will do worse to you then I'm doing now.

Yes master I will not fail you.

Be gone!

I really sometimes forget how cruel you are, I am so proud of you son.

You got that woman  really believe she will not be tortured if she kills her family.

Correction Father, I said daughter but she herself said family which will guarantee that she will be tortured for the of eternity. How long you been there spying on me?

But you made her believe she would be free and have special privileges which you know are not true.That is why you are my favorite son I have. And I wasn't spying but admiring.

Father why are you really here? And cut the crap talking about I am your favorite when everybody knows that  your precious Singto is your favorite, even though he betrayed you father for that human girl.

That was the past, but now it is you and I have something I want you to do for me.

Oh, so now you need me for something since your other son who killed the girl and was killed in the process was reborn the girls best friend or should I say boy since he is one this time around and not some weak girl.

So what you want me to go kill him before this great battle begin.

Nooo! I want you to capture him and bring him to me. I sent that damn lust demon to kill him but instead he made him immortal by letting him bond with not only Godtrick and Singto.

So you would have to try and kill both or one them depending if they bonded to.

So let me get this straight my brothers are both fags for some guy and now you want me to get him for you to have?

Why do you want him instead of killing all three of them, that would make it easier to take over the world since those humans with special powers is no match for us without that boys light of protection.

Aren't you curious as to how this boy could bond with two demons and still has gods light, he should be tainted or something especially after that bonding.

But he stills has it and getting stronger, while able to do dark magic and still have a pure soul. I don't think he is completely human so I need to find out what he really is and try and use it to my advantage.

So in other words you want a new pet!

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                                                                         Your Writer,


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