CH. 48

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Qinge P.O.V


I've picked up Krist's scent and it led me to this house deep in the woods.

But when I got there it was empty with a dead demon splattered all over wall and floor and then I smelt it.

It was the smell of sex in the air and there are three different scents that I smell. I laugh out loud because I know were the two other smells come from.

I know one of them is Singto so I assume the other must be Krist friend Gxxod.

What the hell happen here for that outcome to happen. I mean what could have made them have a threesome!

I can't wait to hear that explanation , but I guess they are on their way home.

That means I can go back to my Dayu who is still at the hospital. I didn't want to leave but he begged and pouted for me to go and help find his friend Krist.

When did they become so close; hell Krist was in a coma for four months and he only been in Thailand what 6 or 7 months.

But I guess Dayu is feeling guilty for Krist saving him and not himself. I am internally grateful for Krist to save Dayu because I finally got him and I don't want to lose him know.

Let me make a call to have this place cleanse of all traces of what happen here. Especially any trace of Krist,Singto and Gxxod was ever here.

John P

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John P.O.V

I am sitting here in Krist room looking at the pictures of Krist and the nuns and of him and the priests and of him and his friend Gxxod from about the time Krist was 6or7 until he was 17yrs old.

This is Krist family I so resent not being their for him and not having a picture of me and him as family.

As I sit here three figures pop in my sight.

It's Krist,Gxxod and Singto. I rush over and hug Krist saying thank god you are alright. Dayu told us what happen and it had me so worried.

Krist I am never leaving you alone again. As I continue to hug Krist I smell sex and lots of cum.

I pull back and let Krist go and look at all three and they all smell like sex and cum.

Krist blushed because I can smell them I don't say anything. I will wait for them to tell me themselves.

I just smile and say you look tired Krist why don't you freshen up and rest and we will talk later.

I'll see myself out. I hug Krist one more time before I left his room.

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Krist P.O.V

I can't believe my luck I thought nobody would be in my room. So I can shower and clean myself before I met my brother or anybody else for that matter.

Now I know I am going to have a talk with my brother John about this.

I look at Gxxod and Singto and ask them to leave my room.

Look guys I know we are going to have a talk but right know I need some peace and quiet time to myself we will talk later.

We might as well tell everybody and discuss what happens next because believe it or not it will effect them to.

Singto P

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Singto P.O.V

Krist I know we have allot to talk about but I just want to make one thing clear before I go.

Krist I know you don't quite yet believe me but I have feelings for you and not because Kristy was part of you but because you are you.

You are funny,smart,strong,cute, innocent well not so innocent any more, but what I am trying to say is I love you Krist.

From the moment I laid eyes on you I was in love with you. I was hooked and I was never letting you go.

Thanks for all the comments likes and all that jazz and sorry if I confuse any of you with my outro last time I am not finish with this book yet so don't worry.

As always don't for get to leave a comment, like, vote, share and add to your reading list. Bye until the next chapter Jaydog.

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