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In all that mess, since I couldn't choose anything, Soomi teared me away from the closet and started going through the clothes in hope to find something good.

And, the witch she is, she found a nice combination and I put it on of course. She did my hair and makeup in 5 minutes and started rushing me towards the door again.

We met with Felix, who was waiting in front of the building with his car, which they took from the service cause it broke yesterday, and that's why they had to use the taxi all day.

"Looking good, ladies." he said, kissing his girlfriend and fist bumping me. That was the way the three of us greeted each other since the vacation.

We got into the car, Felix driving, Soomi being in the passenger seat and me settling myself in the back. "Can I finally get the details?" I asked for them earlier, but Soomi was all panic, crash this and that mode.

"There's not much to tell. Some of Felix's friends + their girlfriends. But not all of them are taken, so you'll have enough company whenever we go out. Besides the girls are fun too." Soomi explained.

"We're meeting everyone in one of the floor cafes where we hang out the most." Felix added.

"Floor cafes? Oh, are those the ones where there's no chairs, but you just sit on the floor?" I asked, still not used to how they do things here. "This is not France anymore babes, and yes they are." Soomi likes to joke.

When we arrived, Felix went to park his car while the two of us walked into the café. "Oh.. It actually has more space than I thought." I whispered and
Soomi just giggled in response, before pulling me with her towards a little too big group of people.

"Peeps, the queens are here. I would say show you're respect but ya'll are already kneeling." she greeted them.

They all let out a laugh and we sat with them. "This is Y/n, my French baby." she introduced me.

"Oh, we figured because you never shut up about her." the guy, "Oh chill Seungmin. I'll stop bothering you since she's finally here." she called Seungmin said.

"Who's missing? Felix is parking the car so he'll be here soon." she asked looking around. "Still waiting for Minho and Mina. Felix is coming so he's outta the list. And also the golden locks didn't show up yet." he answered.

Just then, another guy and a girl walked in, holding hands. Soomi gasped at first, before smirking at them. "So, who finally confessed?" They proudly smiled as they were settling themselves on the floor. "It was me. I made sure it was short and sweet." he said.

"Minho.." his girlfriend looked at him. "You yelled; listen here you little shit I have feelings for you and it's about time you acknowledged them...from the roof." she straight up exposed him.

"It worked though.." he said while the rest burst out laughing, Soomi being the loudest.

What a loud bunch of people. Loud but kinda fun.

"The kings have arrived!" Felix's voice was heard as he entered the room, his arm around yet another guy's neck. His greeting made Soomi laugh even harder.

"Excuse you!" she yelled out, having a fake microphone which she put in front of me after saying what she said.

"The queen of France will now burn your asses." I already knew what she wanted. A good joke on their 'kings' reference.

"Posers." I laughed a bit before starting some shit up. I looked them up and down, mostly Felix cause I don't know the second guy. "What's this?" I asked, acting shocked and pretending my phone is ringimg.

Maybe, probably | Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now