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When I finally caught up to him, he was about to drive off in his BMW. Thankfully I managed to slip into the passenger seat before he disappeared into the dark streets of Seoul.

"Why are you here?" he asked disgustedly. "Get out." he ordered me around.

"I'm not going anywhere." I simply said, putting the seatbelt on. "Y/n, get out, now." he still wanted to chase me out of his car, but I just shook my head.

"I will personally drag your little ass out, if you don't leave."

"Let's see you try," I teased, visibly annoyed blondie. "Because for one I'm not leaving without a proper conversation, and two my ass is not little thank you very much." I got offended there, not gonna lie.

After he let out a big sigh, he started the car and drove off from the parking lot onto the main street.

He didn't utter a single word for 10 minutes now, and the silence is slowly starting to piss me off. "Why are you avoiding me?" I dropped the question, being straight-forward.

"Why are you glaring at me?" he didn't even spare me a glance, just replied with a question.

Indeed, I was glaring at him. "I'm hoping you'll spontaneously combust." I said, wanting at least some kind of reaction from him, but I got nothing. Just, another round of the freaking silence.

"How long are you going to keep this up?" I asked, raising my voice a little bit. "Acting like I'm not even here, like you're alone in this goddamned car!?"

"Don't give me attitude, darling. I have one of my own." he said, turning on the radio to try and silence me. I turned it off soon after.

"So that's it? You're just going to run away forever?" I could no longer endure the way he didn't want to talk and resolve his problems.

"What exactly do you expect me to do Y/n?" he raised his voice at me, but still looked only at the road. "You literally go against everything that I warn you about!" I untied my seatbelt to turn to him completely.

"Seungmin and Sunwoo have nothing to do with this right now!"

"They have everything to do with this! You keep lingering around Seungmin as if he's some kind of treasure and you're the pirate!" he yelled, furrowing his brows.

He was mad, really mad. "And don't even let me start with that piece of crap you dated. He kissed you!"

"Why does it matter if he did that? It meant nothing to me!" I yelled back, trying to make him understand what I'm saying and feeling.

"Okay, shut up." he spat, coldly. "I didn't kiss him back!" but I still tried to reason with him. "I told you to shut up!"

I smiled, out of anger and irritation. "I'm the one being blamed, when all you do is literally eat the face of that girl you're always with!"

I mentioned the girl in the green dress, to whom he said I was a nobody. "You think I'm not hurt by your words which you told her!?"

He stayed quiet, knowing I was right; but I continued, "Maybe I should do that with Seungmin, or even better, with Sunwoo." crossing the limit and making him harshly pull over and stop the car at an empty spot near the road.

He got out of the car, kicking the tire with his leg in the process. He was almost losing control over his anger, letting out a loud scream out of his system.

I didn't wait long, before getting out of the car as well. "Hwang-" I wanted to say something, but when I met his gaze I froze.

"Just stay inside, it's better for everyone!" he said, gesturing towards the car. "No."

"Y/n, if you care for you dear life, stay in the fucking car!" he didn't want to meet my eyes anymore. As he stepped closer to the fence which protected anyone from falling off the cliff, I took a step behind him.

"Why can't you explain to me what's the exact reason to be mad at me?"

"I don't have to do a thing. Leave." he spat, looking at the Seoul' night lights in the distance. "Wow can we just pretend, for one second, that you're not a complete douchebag?"

"I am trying to have a conversation with you, but you're just becoming a pain in the ass." I rant, walking to stand on his left side.

His jaw was clenched, together with his hands who were gripping the fence, making his knuckles turn completely white. His eyes were burning holes in the trees, because of how deathly his glare was.

"I don't need your help." he spoke through his teeth, silently, but still loud enough for me to hear.

"Does it ever occur to you that you're hurting me too?" I asked, my voice starting to tremble. My thoughts were scattered, like some headless flies.

"Do you even know how worried I was, when you suddenly walked into the classroom with blood all over your face and shirt? You think I didn't hear something break when I figured you were the one making out with that girl near my house?" I struggled with my words, as to not break down right there in front of him.

"You're being so fucking selfish right now." Hot tears welled up at the corners of my eyes. "I did nothing wrong to you, yet why do you keep avoiding me?" I sobbed, not letting those tears fall no matter what. "Because,"

"Because I think I'm falling in love with you, okay?" he blurt out. "That's why I'm avoiding you."

"And seeing those two hang around you, and even touching you is making me want to beat them to death! You're making me feel something I can't control!" he hissed, turning his gaze towards me. His eyes going from angry to tired and hurt. 

"I like you, Y/n." he whispered. "I like you a lot."




I feel like I rushed things a bit here, but then again I didn't cause there is a lot I have prepared for y'all  ;))

Maybe, probably | Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now