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"You don't know me," I said, a love confession being the last expect thing from him. "I want to though."

"I plan on getting to know you better," he leaned in closer. "If you let me, at least."

I was at the loss of words, and he wanted an answer which I couldn't come up with.

He liked me. Hwang Hyunjin said he likes me.

The thing I wanted to happen, without even noticing, happened. Only it happened a little too fast, considering I came here like half a month ago.

As if he read my mind and how unsure and confused I felt, he stepped back giving me some space. Fear, mixed with regret was written all over his face as he slowly headed back to his car. Is he trying to run away again?

Before he could open the door, I grabbed his arm making him turn around to face me. I opened my mouth but words just didn't come out.

"Am I being too selfish if I don't let you leave?" I blurt out the first thing my mind could come up with.

"Am I being too selfish if I don't give you a chance to let me go?" he gave me a light smile, before just pulling me into a much needed hug.

"I'll be good," he whispered. "I'll be so good to you, Y/n, I promise." I unwrapped my arms from his waist and put them around his neck.

"The things I'd do if you were only mine.." he spoke in a mischievous yet soft tone. "So take me." I said.

"Is that what you really want?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "This is all I ever wanted. Take me." I said, feeling his hands gripping tighter around my waist.

"Go away," he laughed, his beautiful smile finally appearing. "You're holding me, you idiot." I smiled together with him, falling for him the more I look into his eyes.

They say blue and green eyes were the most beautiful and yet here I am, getting swooned by his brown ones. "So mean." he chuckled.

"Just kiss me you twat." I said, being impatient at how teasing he is. "The problem is," he said as he leaned in.

"If I kissed you, I don't think I'd be able to stop." I could feel his hot breath on my face, my heart increasing its speed.

"Who cares?" I said, and as if taking it as a signal our lips met each other and danced beautifully together.

"Mine." he whispered after breaking the kiss, gently pressing his forehead onto mine.


"Oh gosh, I'm so tired." Soomi said, sitting down into one of the sofas. I returned to the arcade half an hour ago, without Hyunjin.

We made a plan to trick our friends, into thinking that our conversation went awful. And they actually bought it.

"You know why you're so tired?" Felix asked her. "Yeah, because I just danc-" Soomi wanted to tell it was because she danced too long, but he interrupted her.

"Because you've been running through my mind all day."

"I-" he caught her off-guard for a second. "Oh for God's sake!" Minho yelled, obviously annoyed.

"Can I just..undo that?" Felix asked, suddenly feeling embarrassed. "Nope." she said.

"Oh man, because that was really lame!" he whined. "Yup." Soomi agreed, sustaining her laugh."

"Felix you got no charms man." Chan insulted him in a jokingly way, and Felix just pouted knowing he's right.

Chan stood up from his seat and walked towards me and Soomi. "I have a little test for you two." he said, getting nothing else but confused stares from us.

"For self-defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you two have to act wisely." with that he caught the boy's attention, ours not so much but we went with the flow.

"Okay." Soomi said. "Sure." I agreed.

"If you want to live, give me all of your money!" he pretended to have a gun, mimicking them with his fingers.

"Bold of you to assume that I have money." Soomi said.

"Bold of you to assume I want to live." my reply following closely after hers.

The boys started laughing at how uninterested we were in this little 'test' show, while Chan was simply just giving us an 'disappointed but not surprised' face before returning to his seat, and mumbling something like "They gon die." under his breath.

We kept socializing, talking and playing games for a few more hours, before it was getting really late and we needed to get back to our homes. Everyone got back into their seats, and the cars soon drove off in different directions.

Felix dropped off Seungmin, before dropping off me as well, and leaving with Soomi to their apartment. I face flat fell onto the bed and soon after fell asleep, not bothering to change or take my makeup off.  

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