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Friday came, and so did another literature class. But unlike the last time, I was excited for the class to begin and to engage in a conversation with the professor, if I get a chance.

Soomi and Felix were sitting next to me, the same seats like before. Except for the certain someone who was supposed to sit behind us; he didn't show up at all.

"Where's the golden boy?" Soomi asked Felix, like she knew exactly what I was thinking about. But Felix just shrugged, also not knowing his whereabouts.

I sighed, the bell announcing the beginning of the class and soon after the door opened revealing the professor.

But to our surprise he was followed by Hyunjin. Not just any kind of Hyunjin; he was beaten up and had small scratches and wounds on his face, like he was in a fight.

The professor gestured for him to sit, and he walked over and sat behind us.

I wanted to know if he was okay at least, but before I could've had the chance to turn around "Miss Y/l/n." the professor called out my name.

When I looked at him "Are you feeling well to start a discussion with me?" he asked for my permission. "Of course."

"Have you ever read a novel called 'Electric Love'?" he asked me, and I thought for a second "Ah, yes I did." before confirming. "Do you have any special thoughts about it?"

"Not specifically, I do like how the writer interpreted the story, making it less fake." I said, trying to choose the right words. "Less fake?" but still he got confused.

"Like I said on the class before this, love is difficult to achieve. And by less fake I mean the way she wrote about the difficulties they went through, making it realistic and showing what life actually is."

"Ahh~ What does the story tell?" he asked, resting his face on his palm.

"Two people meeting on accident, getting to know each other, wishing to date and to live happily. Getting through the obstacles, fears, things that put their love on a test to see if it was true.."

"So what happened?"

"He'd fallen for this beautiful girl, who was so much more than pretty. She was smart. She was funny. She was brave. She had a past that wasn't all that lovely, yet she still put a smile on her face and never looked back. She was a lionhearted girl, and as much as she liked to say she didn't deserve him, he often felt it was the other way around." I explained.

"They loved each other, and yet they suffered. Why?"

I sighed, my thoughts getting scattered everywhere. "He loved her. But he didn't love himself. And because of that, he broke her.." I answered, almost like I was in a trans of some kind. "What are you trying to say?"

"He was her first love, her first boyfriend.." I started. "But, she didn't know what she was to him, nor what he wanted from her." I said, making him stand up and walk around the classroom for a bit, thinking.

"Are you saying his love wasn't true?"

"Not really. More like he didn't show his affection in the right way. He made her confused most of the time." I said, following him with my eyes.

"Continue." he made a hand gesture for me to continue speaking.

"The most confusing place you can be, is when you know there's a connection with someone, but you aren't actually officially together; but you're not friends either.."

I said, making like two scales with my hands. "By connecting those two, an invisible wall was created between them which made her overthink and him to think he wasn't good enough. That he didn't understand the term of love."

"How does it end? Do they win?"

"Maybe they do. Maybe they don't. The book ended with a sequel that never came; which means their story is still ongoing."

"I remember there was a certain poem he wrote. Do you perhaps know it?" he asked, his eyes suddenly sparkling. I nodded, clearing my throat.


"we were both created in chaos,
we were both born to destroy,
you were like death,
and i was like war,
and where we collided,
darling, i loved you."


When I finished reciting the poem, he started clapping, followed by the rest of the class as well.

"Very good. I am very proud of you miss Y/l/n. You have made my heart full and because of that I will give you an A, if the rest of them agree." he said,

"Does she deserve a little reward?" glancing at the other students who yelled a loud 'Yes'.


ପଓ¸¸.•*¨*• 'She talked about books with so much passion that you wanted to be nothing but the character she had so insanely falled in love with' were the thoughts of a certain blonde boy, who had his eyes on her, only her, then entire class. Who listened to her voice, thinking someone must have turned on the most beautiful melody.

The boy who was developing feelings for her.

For you, Y/n..˳˳.⋅˙ॱᐧ.˳˳.⋅ઇଓ


The class ended as the bell announced its end. A lot of students let out a small 'aww' because they didn't want it to end yet.

The professor, who in his entire carrier never heard someone being said that his class was over, stood in shook; happy shook, with a smile on his face.

My thoughts returned to Hyunjin, who was already stepping out the door and disappearing before I could've even yelled out his name. Was he avoiding me, or hurrying somewhere, is a mystery that I'll never know.

Soomi looked like a proud mom when we were walking through the loud hallways of the academy. "You're doing amazing baby!" she squealed, enjoying her little happy bubble. Now I see why Felix loves her.

They're the same.

"First of all, before I even start I am not taking no for an answer. We are partying tonight." she said, her tone going from happy to strict.

"Okay." I said, wanting to party myself. "Ah no you're goin- What did you say?"

"I said okay." she looked at me like she saw a ghost, being pale for a second.

"Who are you and what have you done to my French baby?!" she wanted to grab me and shake me to 'scare' the devil, but I ran before she could catch me.

The laughs of all three of us echoing through the halls.


FYI the novel is completely fake, I just made it up
so it fits this book

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