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❝ 誰にもお辞儀をしない;

"ARE YOU SERIOUSLY NOT GONNA HELP?" Yoongi place the laundry basket down on the washer beside the one they were using. He tossed the clothes inside carelessly before slamming the top closed. Without a washer and dryer in their house, they had to go out and do their laundry at the nearby laundromat. It was a small place, tucked away in the narrow back streets of Daerim.

Karma sat on top of one of the washers, swinging her legs until her heels hit the white metal of the machine. She shook her head. "Nope because I did it by myself last week." She tapped his side with her foot while she took the lollipop she had trapped between her lips and rolled it on her tongue.

It was late out. They always dwelled in the night as if it would hide their dirty deeds. Karma personally liked the night better, when all the street lights were on, filling what would've been blank nothingness with colorful light.

The laundromat was empty this late at night though the 'Open' sign still glowed in its blue and red neon lights. The lights were dimmed, a few flickering, leaving only the sign and the lights outside to illuminate the room they stand in. The owner only left it open later on the nights they did laundry because she had a crush on Yoongi.

Yoongi scoffed at her, placing the coins inside the slot to start the washer. "You make my brain itch." A scratch he can't tend to, constantly pestering him but it's an itch he simply can't live without anymore.

Karma took her sucker out of her mouth with a sticky 'pop' and leaned forward to kiss his fair cheek. "I love you more, Yoon." She held her sucker up to his naturally pouty lips. He never let them dry through habitually dragging his tongue over the pink flesh to keep it glossy.

Yoongi opened his mouth and took it from her. He didn't say it back though they both knew that he adored her. Yoongi would die without her, though, he'd never admit it openly.

"Have you heard from Hobi lately? That sketchy bastard still hasn't gotten my money back to me." Karma asked, hopping down from the washer. Hoseok, or Hobi, was an old friend of Yoongi's- well less of friends and more of a person he knows and occasionally talks to, but never for leisure. He helped Yoongi and Karma get rid of the items they've stolen, sell them off to his multiple connections for a portion of the profits.

Karma had recently given him a wedding ring she wanted him to sell off and it's been a week. Maybe it was just taking him a little longer but it normally took no longer than a few days. She was getting restless. Patience was not one of her virtues, not that she had any to begin with.

Yoongi swirled the sucker in his mouth, a sweet orange flavor staining his tongue as he shares an indirect kiss with Karma, though they could make it very direct if they wanted to. It wouldn't be the first time and they certainly haven't had their last.

Yoongi had very kissable lips, she's found, the perfect size and shape for such a specific activity. He would kiss her head first, then her nose, cheeks, and finally her lips as if wanting to take his sweet time. They didn't kiss often, finding it too intimate to do on the regular for the type of relationship they had.

It wasn't exactly a traditional relationship. They weren't tied to each other or officially together obviously so seeing as a big part of their job involves sleeping with other people. But they know where their loyalties lie and that was with each other. It was more of a situationship than anything. Nothing serious, just sporadic flings.

Yoongi leaned against the washer he had just started. "Nope but I'll choke his ass out if he doesn't get to it." He doesn't play around with money. Yoongi would kick Hoseok's ass up and down the block if he was holding out on them, but he knew not to cross Yoongi. Karma liked to say he had short bitch anger. His body was so small that there wasn't enough space for his energy to bounce around and lose momentum so when he finally exploded, it was big.

That one got her back blown out.

Karma was even bigger about money if you could believe it. The thought of getting robbed out of what she was owed brought her to unmatchable fury. And yes, she sees the irony in getting upset about being robbed as a thief.

She simply sighed and held up her hand to her face, examining her nails halfheartedly before glancing up at her partner in crime. He was one of the most handsome men she knew, especially under the multicolored lights that defined his features, his angular jaw, round, bulby nose, and warm, honey eyes that only look sweet with her.

His hair reflects the lights like a black mirror, shiny but not greasy, never greasy.

"I'm gonna go out tonight, see if I can get anything out of anyone." Karma pats his shoulder gently. Sometimes they went out on their own. Some nights it was better for them to be out on their own, it made the changes of being caught lessen and the chance of going home with someone all that higher.

Yoongi hummed. "Stay safe. Don't get caught 'cause I ain't bailing you out." They both knew that was a lie.

Karma reached up and grabbed Yoongi's chin, forcing him to look at her. She smiled at him. "You're a bad liar, Yoon." Her voice is smooth and low and made Yoongi want to kiss her. She knew how to get a reaction out of him with just her voice alone.

He swirled his tongue around the sucker and brought his large hand to grab her wrist. Her favorite of his features was his hands, large and veiny. His knuckles were always tinted a slight red and his veins showed blue through his pale skin. They were far larger than her hands, able to wrap around her dainty neck if he wanted to.

"Don't go tonight." He told her in a soft whisper. Anything louder would have ruined the moment. "I refuse to let you abandon me with all this." But alas, he ruined it nonetheless.

Karma chuckled, wiggling her wrist from his hold. "We should go out tonight together then, after we get all this shit back to the house." She didn't mind it. In fact, she preferred it when they were out together in the small parts of the night. When they run away together down the soaked streets that reflect the lights of the city, laughing when it starts pouring as they take shelter under a random awning.

Those were her favorite times. Times she wouldn't replace for a single fucking thing in the world. It was a reminder of who they were. Young, wild, free. Nothing tying them anywhere. They bowed to no one but themselves.

Yoongi couldn't help the smile the forms on his lips, his infamous gummy smile with straight, pearly white teeth and pink gums. It's a bashful smile, one that he makes when he turns away from her to go over to their dried clothes. "Fine, fine, we'll go out tonight. Just help me put this in the basket."

*.✧ Kᴀʏs Eɴᴅɪɴɢ Nᴏᴛᴇs

Not a very long chapter but a good one. We'll be meeting Tae in the chapter after the next one. But the next chapter is our first smut chapter. Ik ik, so so soon but I couldn't help myself.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you guys enjoyed and I wish you all a wonderful day/night.


~Kay ♡(ӦvӦ。)

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