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❝ 嵐を乗り切ります;

THERE'S NO WORSE pain than withdrawal, Yoongi was sure of it. Every time he tried to quit on his own accord, his withdrawals would smack him dead in the face and tell him "face the facts, you're a fucking junkie, own that shit". He didn't want to fucking own that shit. He wanted it gone, completely wiped clean from his life. He wanted to see that powdery, white substance and not have the need to ingest it any way he could.

The number of things he's done to Karma high were incomparable to the things he's done to her when going through withdrawals. When he was going through withdrawals...he got ugly. Not even Taehyung could match that level of horrible. When a drug addict doesn't have their drugs, they would do absolutely anything to get them, and that even meant hurting the people around them.

Yoongi thought it was better for him to just keep feeding the monster of his addiction than to let himself become the horrific monster that put giant craters in the bathroom door, bloodied dents in the drywall, screaming obscenities at Karma in some brutal attempt to hurt her for getting rid of whatever drugs he had in the house.

Yoongi sits in the hallway, legs pulled up to his chest, a fresh line of coke and Angel Dust snorted only moments earlier. He stares at the broken wood of the bathroom door, a constant reminder of how he almost hurt Karma. For a long time, this door was what kept him sober, the fear that he might get so out of hand that she would finally pack up and leave him.

Now it served as a reminder of what was to come if he ever stopped his fast track journey to death.

He can still hear her screaming.

"Again, you fucking bitch? Keep taking my fucking shit?" Yoongi came storming through the bedroom after once again, finding his stash completely gone from its new hiding place. Karma always managed to find it somehow and promptly got rid of it despite the consequences bound to come her way. Consequences named Min Yoongi.

He marched over to her and before Karma had a chance to scramble away from him, Yoongi grabbed her by the ankle and dragged her back across the surface of the bed towards him. His hands reached out to grab her by the arm and force her to her feet. "You think you can keep taking my shit from me." She could see he was having withdrawals, from the thin glisten of sweat that formed over his milky skin and the slight tremble to his hands.

Still, Karma shoved him away from her. "Take your fucking hands off me! You have no right to grab me like that!" His back hit the wall, but it didn't stay there. Yoongi stood on swaying feet, glaring at her with the lifeless pits he calls eyes. "You have no right to touch my shit either but you still did that."

"Yoongi, you're killing yourself. We can go to the hospital. We can get you help!" She pleaded with him. Watching him waste away into nothingness, a shell of a human being, of everything she knew he could be, was torture. Karma just wanted him to get better.

❝𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗚 𝗚𝗢𝗗𝗦. ── 𝗠.𝗬𝗚 𝘃𝘀 𝗞.𝗧𝗛 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now