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❝ 血で;

TAEHYUNG HATED MANY THINGS IN LIFE. His father for one, his mother second, this demanding, exhausting, brutal job that seemed to beat him senseless every day. Maybe Yoongi could finally earn his place on that list after this one. Despite his actions against Yoongi, Taehyung never hated him, resented him, envied him, but hate wasn't an emotion felt until now. He figured it would pass, just as all emotions did. They were all rather fleeting, weren't they?

But above all else, above everything and anyone who's ever done him wrong, Taehyung found that he hated life the very most. He hated how it never stopped, how it was all-powerful. It never paused, it never ceased, it never ended. Life happens to you. You aren't functioning with it, you are functioning within it and to think that anyone has any power over life, even him, was ridiculous.

Because the night after Karma came into his office, a sleepless night for Taehyung as he sat there on the floor of his office, completely shellshocked. Namjoon came in at his usual time to go over the day's schedule when he found Taehyung right there on the floor with an empty bottle of whiskey smashed into thousands of pieces and a bloodied hand.

Namjoon was always the one to deal with these things, to pick up the little crumbs of Taehyung as he made his way through the world so he wouldn't lose whatever little pieces of himself still remains in that empty soul of his. He convinced Taehyung to get up, take a shower, and wash the dried blood off his hands so he can properly bandage it.

And after finally piecing the fragile man back together after Karma took a sledgehammer to his heart, Namjoon rounded him up and pushed him back out into the world. "You can't let some woman get the better of you. You're the most powerful person in the fucking country and you're gonna let her completely ruin you?" He pats Taehyung on the back, trying to get him to straighten his back, hold his head high, and give'em hell.

"I'm not doing shit today, Namjoon. I'm in no mood. You can handle it, if not, get Seokjin." Taehyung poured himself another glass of whiskey. At some point, he completely abandoned the cup and started drinking straight from the bottle. "Hell, let Jungkook and Jimin run it for a day. I don't give a shit." He started down at his bandaged hands.

Namjoon's jaw tightened with frustration. "Do you know how pathetic you look right now? You do bad shit all the time but now you want to throw a pity party because your girlfriend got hurt?" He slammed his hand down on the counter beside his boss. Maybe he was speaking out of turn, but someone needed to tell him and who better than the person he spends every day with. "Get a fucking grip. If you're upset, do something about it. You know who you are."

Does he know who he is? Taehyung's looked at himself in the mirror thousands of times and never recognized the man he was staring at. He's washed blood off his face and stared at himself. It always frightened him how much he looked like his father, from his eyes, nose, and lips. He had his grandmother's face shape which was the only comforting feature he had.

"That Jung Hoseok guy, he owns a butchery in Daerim-dong," Namjoon informed him. It was far easier to find him than he initially expected. Kehlani happened to know who he was, but she never answered him when he asked how she knew him. She simply continued to kiss at his neck and whisper sweet nothings into his ear. "Apparently it's a front. He's a fence, has a lot of connections. He probably has already sold the diamond."

Daerim...Karma and Yoongi live in Daerim. It could be a mere coincidence, but if Taehyung had even an inkling of suspicion, it was worth investigating. "I want you to find out if he has any relation to Yoongi. Through your connections or violence, whatever it takes. Leave Hoseok to me though." He pressed his thumb into the cut palm of his hand. "If Yoongi is even remotely involved, I'm going to put his head on a stake."

Namjoon straightened out his posture, rolling his shoulders with his hands clasped in front of him. "Yes, sir." He bowed respectfully. He turned, ready to leave and complete the job given to him.

"And Namjoon-"

He looked over his shoulder. "Yes?"

"If you ever talk to me like that again, I will cut your tongue out of your mouth." Taehyung lifts the bottle to his lips and takes another casual sip. "Do you understand?" This was the Taehyung Namjoon knew and respected. He smiled softly. "Of course, sir, I spoke out of turn. My apologies." He soon left the penthouse, leaving Taehyung alone in the solitary confinement his home had become to him.

He hated silence too. Without anything to pay attention to, there was nothing left to do but think. His thoughts were always drowning, like being submerged in water, left out in the open, endless sea without the comfort of land in sight. Below him, is the deep, dark, unknown. The void of... nothingness.

And in that abyss is the monster of his past, his actions, his behavior, waiting to grasp him by the ankles and drag him to the ocean floor.

Karma had finally come for him in the form of an angel who gave him a breath of fresh air. For a moment, he didn't fear the void of his consciousness. She offered enough noise for him to never notice it, how it was beginning to gain on him while also simultaneously retreating. Like how an arrow needs to be drawn back in order to be propelled forward, it was being drawn back by Karma's delicate hands.

He looked down at his hand, a hand that Karma once held to comfort him.

"Whenever you feel lonely, just look at your fingers and remember that mine fit perfectly in between them."

Their hands did fit perfectly together, like the last corner pieces of a puzzle that completed the bigger picture. He never considered that a corner piece has two pieces that fit to it. He would never have her all to himself because of Min-fucking-Yoongi.

If you told either of them of the things that would happen between them while they were children, they would laugh at you and run away to eat candy in the oak tree behind his house. They thought they would be together forever and in a way, they were. They could never run from each other. They could never escape each other. They were bound to each other by blood, by Karma, who was the very blood in their veins, the very thing that gave them life.

At the end of the day, Taehyung and Yoongi simply couldn't get rid of each other, not completely anyway. They'd still have the memories, memories that exist and function outside the rules of time, and like that, they must live with the burden of the other forever.

*.✧ Kᴀʏs Eɴᴅɪɴɢ Nᴏᴛᴇs

I really hope you guys figure it out cuz do far, I've seen no one give their theories on what happened between Yoongi and Taehyung and I'm very interested in hearing your thought process. I gave a big clue in this chapter and chapters in the previous ones.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you guys enjoyed and I wish you all a wonderful day/night.


~Kay  ༼ᕗຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ

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