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❝ 真実の省略;

KARMA IS STARTING to believe Taehyung likes being in the darkest, dankest, fishiest places he can find. She regrets wearing the fur coat Taehyung got her because she knew it would take forever to get the smell of raw seafood out of the fabric. Her nose scrunched the moment Namjoon opened the door to let them out. Taehyung slid out first, then offered out a hand covered in rings of lapis lazuli and sapphire.

"Why can't you ever do your interrogating in like- a field of roses or tulips?" Karma's distaste for the smell of fish and seawater was written all over her face. She had her arm looped in with Taehyung's as he begins to lead her through the shipyard to their destination. They were just along the Korean straight where many cargo ships come and go between Busan and Japan.

Taehyung hummed, humoring her obvious hatred for a place like this. "Yeah, I'll be sure to  find a nice field to shoot someone in the head next time. Maybe I'll have bees sting them to death." She'd have to get used to the unsavory parts of being in power if she would remain by his side. He'd rather not be here either, but he was doing what he must to ensure that he got his diamond back safe and sound.

They round the corner and at the end of a particular dock sits four men. Two are standing to the side under the few sparse lights that allow them to see. The two angels, Jimin and Jungkook, who have done a deed of the devil, and two men sitting in old, wooden chairs with their hands bound behind their backs and their feet bound to the legs of the chair. Also bound to the chair is a cinderblock, she can only imagine what he plans to do. Taehyung is always quite creative.

The two men, Yongjin and Jaewon, are both gagged, beaten bloody. They were pretty much naked as well. Only wearing their underwear in the frigid air of the shipyard. Karma can still see the faint remnants of dried blood and bruising on Jungkook's knuckles. He was the brawns, after all, she presumed Jimin was meant to be the brains in the duo.

"Good work, boys." Taehyung commended them for their work, reaching into the pocket of his suit. He was a man of style, even in the grimmest of situations. He had decided to make quite the statement in a bright yellow, three-piece suit with a blue undershirt and a pink tie to top it all off. A rather unusual combination of colors, but they all came together well on him. "Take the gags out of their mouths." He took out a sleek, silver cigarette container and flipped it open to pull out a cigarette to light.

Jungkook and Jimin removed the gags from the mouths of the battered delinquents. Unlike the last few, they didn't wail, cry, or beg for forgiveness, for mercy. Through their blackened eyes and bloodied noses, their stares are cold, unyielding. It might take a bit more work to pry information out of them.

Karma felt she was becoming far too comfortable with situations like this, with the violence, blood, and gore of it all. Anything short of bashing someone's brains in, she was sure she could handle. They were freezing already. She was sure she would be if she weren't wearing her coat to protect her from the cold.

❝𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗚 𝗚𝗢𝗗𝗦. ── 𝗠.𝗬𝗚 𝘃𝘀 𝗞.𝗧𝗛 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now