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❝ それはあなたの葬式です;

"NO MORE, I DON'T NEED TO SHOW UP TO THE PLAYGROUND ON CRUTCHES. What kind of power move would that be?" Karma turned over in bed to grab her phone from the nightstand. She wasn't exactly sure how long they had gone for and the number of orgasms that had completely ravished her body rested at a count of 6. Between fingering her in the kitchen, fucking her on the counter. Then in the shower and then in bed in positions that resulted with her legs in the air 70% of the time, Karma was exhausted.

Yoongi wiped the sweat that had formed at his hairline and dampened his dark locks that stuck to his skin. "I don't know. Guess it gives a unique impression." His voice had turned slightly colder than before at the mention of the underground club. He still wasn't happy about it, no amount of sex could change that. He just wanted to get back on her good side.

Karma sat up, turning in bed until her legs dangled off the side of the bed frame. "Don't be a little bitch about it, Yoon. I'll be careful. I'm starting to think you believe I'm stupid." She took her curled hair and pulled it away from her sticky skin. As she did so, she looked over her shoulder at him. "I'm not stupid. I should kick your ass for even having to say that." Her eyes trail down his body. Her eyes catch the furious eyes of the dragon tattooed to the side of his neck while the rest of its body coils around his arm.

Yoongi was a handsome man, of course, just a single glance or a small, suggestive swipe of his tongue, and next thing she knew, she'd be riding his dick like a stallion. At this point she was addicted, they were addicted to each other. The high that came from being with each other was something neither of them could live without anymore.

But Karma always thought he looked particularly sexy after sex. Glistening as a thin layer of sweat covers his skin. His large, veiny hands that had once been kneading her breasts and feeling up on her body bushed through his hair, pushing it back out of his face to expose the shaven sides of his head. His pink lips that had eagerly found any part of her exposed skin to mark and claim as his were left parted, panting as he drags his tongue across them, tasting her on his lips.

Most of the time Karma would simply lay with him, tracing over the careful details of his tattoo while admiring him silently. Always silently. She didn't need to give him a big head about how handsome she thought he was.

"No one said you were stupid. You're just too goddamn stubborn for your own good." His gravelly voice sends chills down her spine. The same voice the was moaning and cursing lowly in her ear just a few moments ago.

She stood up. "I don't know. I think it's a good quality of mine. If I wasn't stubborn I'd be a push over...like you." She giggled when Yoongi threw a pillow at her, jumping out of the way to avoid getting hit. "Fuck off, go take your shower."

While Karma busied herself with taking up all the hot water, Yoongi sat in bed alone, dragging his hands through his hair and over his face. A stressful sigh left him as it seems to a lot when he's around her.

That woman would be the end of him. He was nearly 100% positive on that. But he wouldn't have it any other way.


Karma once again stood within the hidden confines of The Playground. The booming music assaults her ears just as always, the vibrations of the music can be felt to even the tips of her fingers.

She had dressed her best tonight, out to make her best impressions despite going for some simple bungeoppang. A white, puffy-sleeved button-up shirt was worn under a strapless, black, satin mini dress with a slit on her left side. Thin, golden chains decorate her slender neck, matching with the dangling gold earrings that decorate her ears. She had managed to slick back her thick, curly hair into a low bun.

She makes her way over to the VIP section to find Seokjin. He could always be found indulging himself with a few girls from the booths. A self-centered bastard, he was exactly what Karma meant when she talking about the weaknesses of men, the poster boy for it really. He could never go long without someone stroking his massively inflated ego.

Jin wasn't stupid though. He had the potential to be, but not always. He was quite clever in a lot of ways, good with money, good with finances. He wasn't placed in charge of The King's many business ventures for no reason.

Karma had no way slipping by the men that stand guard in front of the VIP section full of Bulgae men who choose to indulge themselves in more booze and women than they could ever possibly need. For a moment they pretend like they're kings of their own, living on top of the world in their own minds.

She spots Jin sitting with his regulars, three other women he was sharing a bottle of champagne with, feeding them strawberries with a sultry smile. The women fawn over him and his undeniably handsome looks. It was never a question that came into Karma's mind as to why women liked him so much. He was ridiculously handsome, not to mention charming in his own asshole-ish way.

"Seokjin." Karma stopped in front of his corner of heaven, breaking through to shatter the fantasy. He glanced at her, slightly annoyed that she had interrupted. He takes the strawberry he once was going to feed the woman to his left and instead ate it himself, all the way down to the leaves he held the strawberry by. "Karma dear, why are you here? I already gave you the permission you needed to do whatever need to." He drags his tongue over his plush lips.

Karma shrugged carelessly. "The King has invited me to get bungeoppang with him."

He scoffed before she could even finish. "Bullshit. What would he want with you?" He knew the King. There was no reason for him to even glance her way...unless he was having trouble. Karma wasn't anything special in Jin's opinion, there was nothing particularly extravagant about thievery, though her sleight of hand skills could be considered impressive.

Karma wasn't dropping down from the ceiling for anything like that. Jin could respect the simplicity of her craft. Taking advantage of the weakness of the human psyche. But he couldn't see how she could possibly help the King in his task.

Whatever. Who was he to question the man who pays him?

Karma lets out a sigh of impatience. "I don't know, Kim, ask your boss. Just tell him I'm willing to join him for bungeoppang." She smoothens her hands down the side of her silken dress. The whole way here, she had debated on actually coming. Yoongi didn't say anything to her as she left, she had just chalked it up to him being petty and told herself that he'd eventually get over it.

But a sinking feeling remained in her gut. Yoongi was so convinced that she would get fucked over or killed, like he knew from experience. As far as Karma knew, he never had any relation to the Bulgae. No tattoo or anything, not that she's ever seen.

Seokjin sighed carelessly with an exaggerated roll of his eyes. "Fine, whatever. It's your funeral." And with that, he waved her off dismissively. Karma cringed slightly at his choice of wording. There was no backing out now. Though Yoongi may not agree with it now, she was doing it for him, for them. He would be grateful someday, most likely while they sip on piña coladas on the coast of Mexico.

This wouldn't all be for nothing.

*.✧ Kᴀʏs Eɴᴅɪɴɢ Nᴏᴛᴇs

This chapter is pretty short, but the next one will be longer, I promise. We met Jin tho, so that's fun. I don't think we'll see all that much of him tho, hopefully but I'm not sure.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you guys enjoyed and I wish you all a wonderful day/night.


~Kay ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ )

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