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❝ エピローグ;

"HOW ARE THEY TREATING YOU IN HERE?" She asks the same question every time she comes to visit Yoongi like his answer will magically change from last week. They sit together, side by side, shoulder to shoulder, on an old, wooden bench in the middle of a peaceful garden on the property of the rehab center. Filled with various assortments of flowers surrounding a beautiful fountain, a place of relaxation and peace, it was more like a resort than a drug rehabilitation center.

Yoongi shrugged, picking at the loose strands that came from the seam of his flat grey sweatpants, the greatest grey to ever grey, neither too white nor too black, but even being so neutral, they were comfortable. "Same as last week. Can't imagine anyone likes being in rehab." He reminds himself why he's there every day. Plus, he can't say he hated it there. They treated him well and kept him cushy and comfy. This was one of those private rehab centers where celebrities go when they need to get their shit together and put their careers back on track. "I met that one idol who overdosed on heroin a while back. Cool dude."

Just a little over a month here and already, Yoongi was looking far better than before. Color returned back to his face, still pale but not as ghostly and thin as the month prior. His cheeks were peachy and full, knuckles dusted with rose blush, and his lips returned to their usual shade of pink lemonade with the help of a stick of lip balm. "You look much better." She pets the back of his head with a tender smile and softened eyes. This was the real Yoongi, the one she's only gotten to know briefly, but she knew he was wonderful. Karma wanted to get to know this Yoongi even better.

"How has this month been treating you?" Yoongi asked her. What he really means to ask is how has he been treating you? He refers to his younger brother who was paying for all of this as a part of his efforts to win Karma's affections back.

Karma let a sigh escape past her glossy lips as she looked across the way at the man standing on the other end of the lonely garden under the canopy of vines. Taehyung always came with her on her visits to Yoongi, but never did anything except with alone and wait for her to return. "Good..." She answered his question, both of them, even if one wasn't directly asked. "Got me a nice apartment in Gangnam. Got you one as well...separate ones."

Karma insisted on being single for the time being. She didn't need the stress of being torn between two knuckleheads both in no position to be in a relationship. Maybe the single life was just for her, not to say she was ever in a committed relationship with either of them, but her feelings for the two of them had gotten the better of her and caused a lot of trouble in the end.

The single life was a relaxing life and if anything, it suited her better.

Yoongi's eyes followed to where she stared, to the canopy of delicate twirl of vines dangling over his head. He stood there, with his hands in the pockets of his slacks. Yoongi scowled. "Who the fuck comes to a rehab center dressed in a pretentious ass, Louis Vuitton suit?"

❝𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗚 𝗚𝗢𝗗𝗦. ── 𝗠.𝗬𝗚 𝘃𝘀 𝗞.𝗧𝗛 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now