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❝ 残酷な愛人;

KARMA WAS OUT longer than Taehyung had initially expected her to be. The penthouse was unusually quiet without her there doing something to disturb his work and Taehyung found that he could hardly focus without knowing in the back of his mind that Karma was roaming about somewhere throughout the house causing chaos as she does.

Taehyung was in his office when Karma returned around 3 A.M.. He heard the fast-paced, passionate steps of her feet against the dark, walnut, hardwood flooring as she made her way towards the room she correctly assumed he was in. Just from that, he knew that she was upset, undoubtedly with him for some new, obscure thing he had done to offend her.

But as Karma burst through the door, nearly smashing a hole through the wall with the handle as it met the drywall, there was an unmatched level of rage in her eyes. It burned from the very pits of Hell, like she was reflecting his fate in her honey eyes. Taehyung, puzzled, stood from his chair to go and comfort her. "Karma, why are you-"

She didn't allow him to finish. Whatever he possibly had to say wasn't worth her precious time. No- instead of letting him finish his meaningless question, Karma simply struck him across the face. She considered him lucky and her, merciful, because she considered leaping across the desk to attack him like the feral animal he claims her to be.

Taehyung was caught by surprise, stumbling a bit before catching himself on the desk. Karma didn't simply stop there, she marched around the desk and shoved him back against the wall. "You bastard! How could you?! No- How dare you do that to him?!" Before Karma could hit him once more, Taehyung seized her wrists and held them in his bruising hold to stop her from assaulting him. "What the fuck are you talking about? I did many things to many people. Be specific."

"You know who I'm talking about." She bites venomously. "You know what you did to Yoongi." She's no longer yelling at him, but that doesn't mean her anger has vanished. She can see the way his confused expression drops instantaneously and he is left with a mixture of horror and sorrow. "Karma-"

"He told me everything. Everything about you, everything about him. Everything about the two of you. He told me what you did to him. What you did to your own best friend. How could you?"

Taehyung didn't dare speak. His face was left a blank slate of nothingness. He often asked himself the same question. Yoongi didn't do anything but be born. He was just as out of control of the situation as Taehyung was. If they had anyone to blame, it was Sungmin. But what happened afterward was entirely Taehyung's doing.

Karma continued. "He was left with nothing. You have no idea the pain you put him and me through. All the sleepless nights, all the screaming, crying, fighting. You ruined his life, Tae." Her anger burned at a low simmer now. Her emotion was fueled with despair because finally, she found the person who made Yoongi the way he is and she couldn't bring herself to kill him like she swore she would. All the pain and torment he had placed upon them and for what, some petty grudge? Some situation that neither of them had any power over? Because if he can't enforce his power over someone else, he'll feel like the weak, helpless child he is?

❝𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗚 𝗚𝗢𝗗𝗦. ── 𝗠.𝗬𝗚 𝘃𝘀 𝗞.𝗧𝗛 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now