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❝ 呪われた王冠;

KIM TAEHYUNG WAS RAISED TO BE A KING, born to be one some would even say. It was a birthright, one that no one could take from him...sadly.

His childhood wasn't picture perfect. It wasn't even necessarily good. From the moment he was born, Taehyung held the weight of the world on his shoulders. He was born to rule and his father, Sungmin, was going to make sure his son lives to the legacy of the Kim bloodline by any means necessary.

Sungmin wasn't a good father, not by any stretch of the imagination. Everyone could admit that. He was a king, not a father. He was incredibly hard on Taehyung from a young age, to the point where the man had no good memory of his father, only blood and yelling. To this day, the sight of his cold, unloving eyes still haunts his memory.

Sungmin was trying to raise a King, not a son. Any thought or desire for Taehyung to grow up to be a decent human being was completely thrown out the window the moment his mother conceived them. Not that she didn't try. Minji was a quiet, soft-spoken woman, always seeming to be elsewhere. She had a thousand-yard stare most times, beaten down and battered into submission by her husband.

Taehyung's relationship with her has always been a little strained. He would never forget all the times she turned a blind eye to his father's abuse. When he would cry and wail and she would make no motion to comfort him. Sure, she wasn't the perpetrator and at times he would hear her try to get Sungmin to ease up on him, but she might as well have been landing the blows as she did nothing to stop them from coming down on him.

His only means to escape was through his childhood best friend who his father had introduced him to rather young. A boy slightly older than him with paled skin, dark hair that covered his cat-like eyes, and pouty lips. His name was Yoongi.

For a long while, Taehyung couldn't figure out why his father introduced the two of them and for a long time, he didn't care.

When they were together, they were simply children. Taehyung didn't have to worry about living up to his father's unrealistic expectations. They played outside, making mudpies and climbing trees, getting scratched knees and bruises from their playful roughhousing, though Taehyung had more than enough bruises to begin with. He was free from responsibility, from a position he didn't want but was destined to take.

It was a cursed crown.

Taehyung was a wishful thinker then, hoping that maybe one day he could be a normal kid with a normal job and a normal life. Average was all he ever wanted.

And then his father had him take his first life at 13, a man who had failed to pay his debts and for that, his wife was executed right before his eyes. 13 was rather early, even for their family. His grandfather didn't have Sungmin kill his first-person until 15.

❝𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗚 𝗚𝗢𝗗𝗦. ── 𝗠.𝗬𝗚 𝘃𝘀 𝗞.𝗧𝗛 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now