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❝ 神定法;

KARMA HAS DONE A LOT IN HER LIFE, stolen a lot, but never before has she stolen an entire car. There's a first for everything, they say, and she figured what time would be better than now to steal a car for the first time? She needed to get to the warehouse fast and that meant no subway and no Uber drivers (not like she had a credit card anyway).

It was the old, shitty, Hyundai of her landlord. Easy to pick the lock and hot-wire in comparison to more modern cars. Just a matter of finding the right wires to put together. Karma was smart, and her desperation allowed her to figure it out quickly through sheer helplessness.

She nearly screamed in praise for gods she didn't believe in when the engine rumbled beneath her a coughed to life. This must have been the very first car rolled off the assembly line because good god this thing was older than her grandmother. It choked and sputtered but held on for dear life and that's all she needed it to do to get to her destination and get Yoongi.

There was a vague map of where she was meant to go. She never paid much attention to the path they had taken before, but now it was detrimental that she knows where she was going. Every second she waits is another second that Yoongi has less to live. She followed what she knew, what she remembered seeing on her way there, street signs, businesses, landmarks. The path was paved and towards the end, she remembered where she was and which way she was meant to go.


Taehyung placed two bullets into the revolver. One for Yoongi and one for himself. He felt sorry for Karma, to leave her alone in the cruel world and to take the one person she truly cared about with him. But she would never love him the way she loved Yoongi, he could never be loved. And he didn't want to go alone.

"If it makes you feel any better, Karma will be okay," Taehyung told him like that was a comfort to anyone but him. "She'll never have to work a day in her life. She'll get everything she wants and deserves."

"Yeah, because that's the first thing I'm worried about and not "is my brother going to kill me"." Yoongi deadpanned, wiggling in his cuffs in a feeble attempt to free himself. He tried not to reveal his fear, how utterly terrified he was to leave Karma. He never got to fulfill his promise to get permanently clean and give her the world. She'll think he left her, abandoned her when she stuck by his side through thick and thin.

"You think both of us being dead is going to make her life better? She's just going to blame herself." Madmen don't have ears. Taehyung has finally been pushed to his wit's end and he simply can't anymore. He hates the person he's become and he simply can't go on any further.

But maybe there's just a small part of him that's still willing to listen to reason. What good would it do to traumatize the woman he loves because he was being selfish? He's tired of being selfish. If anyone here deserves to die, it's not Yoongi.

❝𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗚 𝗚𝗢𝗗𝗦. ── 𝗠.𝗬𝗚 𝘃𝘀 𝗞.𝗧𝗛 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now