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❝ 私の心を2つに引き裂く;

IT FEELS OFD COMING BACK TO HER SHARED APARTMENT AFTER STANDING IN THE KING'S MASSIVE PENTHOUSE. Going from standing so high she could see the Han River to being only 3 stories off the ground with a view onto the street below. It was nearly 2 in the morning by the time she got back home, tiredly punching in the code to the door before pushing it open.

The room is cast in darkness. The only light streamed in from the lights in the hallway through the door. The home is void of any noise, not even the sound of the TV playing from the back room would be heard. Karma assumed Yoongi would already be asleep by now and the thought of simply undressing and slipping into bed with him seemed like heaven to her.

She took off her heels with a relieved groan and shuffled her way back to their bedroom. By now, she knew the layout of the house by heart and managed to get to the room without stepping on any of the floorboards notoriously known to creak under their weight.

Karma dropped her shoes beside the closet door and slid her hand behind her hair to unclip her necklaces and place them down on the dresser. She decided that she'd put it away when she woke up. After tying her hair up and out of the way, she began to reach back to unzip her dress when she heard shuffling in bed.

Yoongi was never that particularly heavy of a sleeper, so it was no surprise that he awoke to Karma moving throughout the room around him in the dark. It took him a moment for his eyes to adjust to the darkness, but soon, he saw Karma undressing. "What took you so long?" Once again, there was that sexy, tired voice that she adored so much.

"I got caught up with stuff." She can't help the yawn that escaped her lips as she struggles to pull down the zipper of her dress. Yoongi sleepily tosses the blankets off of himself and makes his way over to help her out. He wants her in bed with him just as much as she wanted to be there. It was cold without her there to keep him warm. He had grown accustomed to having his face buried in her air with his arms wrapped tightly around her and without Karma there, he felt incomplete.

Despite their disagreements, Yoongi needed her to sleep restfully.

He took the small zipper from her and dipped it all the way down to help her pull it off. "How'd it go?" How'd it go? He should be giving her the silent treatment right now, not asking her how it went like she was on a date.

Karma scoffed. She grabbed the hem of the dress and wiggled it off of her body. "Now you're interested in how it went?" She took off the wrinkled button-up she was wearing underneath and put both articles of clothing in the basket in the corner. She felt Yoongi's hands on her skin, cool against her heated flesh as he held her close. "Don't be like that, Kar. Just tell me what happened."

❝𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗚 𝗚𝗢𝗗𝗦. ── 𝗠.𝗬𝗚 𝘃𝘀 𝗞.𝗧𝗛 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now