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❝ スコアを確定する;

IT COULD BE argued that progress was being made. Very very tiny, almost microscopic baby steps were being made, but at least Yoongi was getting somewhere, and for that, he could be proud of himself...maybe, probably. He wasn't entirely sure yet.

It took him a while to finally figure out how much he should cut his intake each week. Too much and he would relapse and start at square one, too little and his painful withdrawals would return to make his existence a living hell to which he would relapse to make the pain stop. Either way, he found his ass back to where he started.

But with a little help from Kehlani and Hoseok, he knew just how much to reduce his cocaine intake by. For one, he removed the PCP from it which, all in all didn't make much of a difference. Cocaine was his poison of choice, Angel Dust was just a little sprinkle of arsenic with his cyanide, with or without it, he was dying.

Hey, I need you to drop by later today

A completely isolated text from Hoseok was what made Yoongi crawl out of his cave for the first time in 2 weeks. He hasn't seen the light of day in what feels like forever. It was unhealthy, undoubtedly so, but certain symptoms of his withdrawal still remained, one of them being his sensitive, light-induced headaches.

For the first time in weeks, he finally got dressed into actual clothes, begrudgingly pulling on his shoes as he made his way towards the front door. Yoongi's gotten used to the unending silence of the small apartment. It was something that Yoongi had learned to appreciate, but something he could only enjoy in small intervals. Like in the morning, just after he wakes up. The golden rays of the early morning create a moment of serenity, only amplified by the silence that comes with rest.

But being in silence at all moments of the day makes the special silence of the morning lose all meaning.

Yoongi decided to only leave the house at night. He was already accustomed to roaming the back alleys of Daerim, dwelling amongst the other nightcrawlers who he's learned to call his brothers and sisters. Sure, the neon lights that seem to light the night in fire irritated his eyes, but the sight was undoubtedly one of his favorite in the world, the sight of the city at night.

With his head turned low, and his hands shoved into his pockets, Yoongi walked through the rain down to Hoseok's butchery. He didn't mind the way his hair stuck to his paled skin, even if it was in the way because it had grown out. He was simply asking to get catch a cold or get sick in some other way.

Yoongi always hated the little bell above the door of Hoseok's butchery. It was broken, didn't ring right, and he could only think "what's even the fucking point of having it there", be he digresses. All he wants to do is figure out what the fuck Hoseok wanted and take his ass back home.

❝𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗚 𝗚𝗢𝗗𝗦. ── 𝗠.𝗬𝗚 𝘃𝘀 𝗞.𝗧𝗛 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now