Chapter 4

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"Chief, we've received an update from the foundation that they will send new teacher to Pha Pan Dao next month. This time the teacher posting will be more than 6 month. Seems like the foundation found a possible permanent teacher for the village schools. They also request to send some workers to upgrade the teacher's house." Rang continue to update with the latest situation in regards of the village school teacher.

"Noted Rang, I trust you will well manage the security clearances and makes the arrangement accordingly." Rang nodded with my acknowledgement and I dismissed Rang from this morning meetings.

Since Tian left after being here for six month as the volunteer teacher, I no longer take charges with the new teachers and relevance. I put Rang responsible to manage all the matters in regards of the school foundation.

After Tian, we've had few teachers comes and go as volunteer.

Despite the situation, I am glad that the foundation had finally found a permanent teacher for the kids. It will be good for them.

I can't bear with too many memory of Tian when it come to the village school. So ,I seldom visit to meet any of the previous teacher. Only during formal village event I will join and greet briefly with the teachers.

I pour all my attention to my unit, which now had grown to be a much bigger and fully function command center.

My team now has grown triples in number, responsible for managing the safety of our border and I am satisfied with our current status. I am glad that Commander Sopasitsakun take charges to support and fund my unit accordingly.

I haven't heard from Tian since his last letter. I am well aware that I have no rights, and I respect his decision.

But, gosh how I misses him every single day. I continue looking at the only picture of him on my phone.

"Phu..." Doc visiting as usual.

"Doc, what do you need?" I put away my phone and back to resume reviewing the document on my table.

"I heard that the village will be getting a permanent teacher. Who is it?" Doc ask as he were walking and sitting in to my office.

Yeah, the command center has been upgraded with better infrastructure. We now have a much proper office, meeting rooms, lounge area and better bathroom.

My bedroom also now segregate from the office with a better privacy.

Yup, I still live on the base compound, they offered me for a house but I refuse, a house will be feeling much more lonely, I rather be at the command center.

"Yeah, Rang just update me a while ago, the teacher will be here by next month. They will be upgrading the house by than."

"Can't wait for the new teacher to arrive." Doc seem to be excited.

"Ai Doc, why you seem to be so excited? Do you want to flirt with the new teacher?" I mock Doc.

"Shia... Phu... I am loyal to my wife na. I'm just looking forward for the new additional to our family. Even no one can replace our Seetian..." Doc were making his ugly face while expressing his feelings.

I can sense Doc were looking at me and await for my respond, but I remain stoic with my documents. He always does this, it seems likes he really like to mock me with my stupidity. I chose to ignore his comment and back to my files.

"Whatever, Ai Doc...don't you have a patient to treat or something?"

"Yeah yeah..., I know the sign of you dismissing me Chief. I am going to leave you alone."

The office were back to its peace and quite one he left. It's been two years since Tian left, I wonder if he'd finish his study and back to Thailand.

I wonder if he do occasionally think of me, like how I always thinking of him.

Is he still mad at me for making him left?

Did he forgave me?


One month later.

I pass by the teacher's house and I can see the house is now in better conditions, with a greater facilities for the soon to be arrive teacher.

I no longer greet the teacher upon their arrival, we usually meet during Khama and the village welcoming ceremony and that's it.

I admit, I am building  a significant barrier with the teachers since Tian.

"Chief, the teacher house is ready and it looks great. Do you want to have a look?" Rang suddenly knock me out of my daze out of no where.

"Sure..." I enter the house and I can see there's now a segregation of rooms in the house.

The living room is furnished with a few chairs and a coffee table. On the right, there's now a divider for the bedroom. The bedrooms were now occupied with a king size bed and mattress, plus with a decent mosquito net.

The overall looks like a resort. I guess this is appropriate considering the teacher will be staying for much longer than a few months.

Kitchen area are also now has better equipment, there's no longer wood stove, a total upgrade with a gas stove, plus with few more modernized kitchen equipment.

Bathroom is decent and comfortable enough to who ever living.

Tian must be delighted if he came back.

Will he ever comeback?

Huh...what was I thinking, he is living the life that you expect him to live Phu.

"It's look great right Chief. The teacher must be comfortable and don't wanna go back once they start living in here."

"Yeah, Rang this look nice and cozy. So, when is the new teacher going to arrive?" I ask as I make my way to the front of the house.

"Yod is picking up the teacher as we speak Chief. They may be arrive at anytime. Do you want to wait and meet the new teacher?"

"No Rang, I am leaving and going back to the command center. You may manage and help the teacher accordingly. Just update me the welcoming ceremony and I'll be there."

I make my move once I take a look for another round at the teacher house.


Oh Chief... you going to regret as you were not waiting for the teacher to arrive.

I smile as I look at the Chief leaving with his bike.

Can't wait to see how our Chief going to react once he realize our new teacher is none other than he beloved Nong Tian.

Me, Yod and Doc know how much our Chief been longing for Tian, but we all didn't blamed our Nong Tian, his disappointment is validate.

It is our Chief fault who were breaking his heart. And I was shocked when I received the foundation updates, that Tian will be back and stays as the village teacher for a much longer terms.

All of our colleagues hoped that with Tian returns, our Chief will cool down. He has been drilling us for work since Tian leaved. And his tantrum is worst than before.

We all have decided to not to tell Chief in regards of Tian arrival. He's no longer interested for teachers and foundation situation, and has been leaving me in charge since Tian.

Now me, Yod and Doc are looking forward on how this two horn bill birds story will entail.

After a while, I can see from a distance of Yod's jeep and glad that they'd arrived safely.

I ran meeting them at the jeep and excitedly welcoming Nong Tian.

"Nong Tian... it's been so long and you were looking more handsome. But still can't beat my handsomeness nong..." I hug Tian as a welcome.

"Rang, how are you? Feels good to see you and Yod again." He was looking much more lovely and seem happier compare to the day that he left Pha Pan Dao.

"Good, just tired with the cranky Green Giant" I am teasing Tian in regards of Chief.

"Aw... Rang, nothing is new than. He is always like that." I can see that Nong Tian is trying to nonchalantly give respond in regards of our Chief, but I can feel his awkwardness.

"No Tian, since you left it became much worst." Yod comment and I just nod my head as an agreement, cause it is the fact.

"Yeah whatever, can't wait to meet the kids. They must had grown."

Tian seems so excited, we always had felt his sincerity, cause you can really see it when Tian eyes glitters with excitement. I am so glad he is back to be with Pha Pan Dao family.

"Yeah, they did. So, I will pick you up tonight for the welcoming party at Khama. Have a good rest Tian"

"Yes, thank you Rang and Yod for picking me up. See you tonight."

Me and Yod leave Tian into the house.

I look to Yod with smirk, we can't wait for tonight.

Chief gonna be shock!!


I am so excited for Chief and Tian reunion.

Will Tian be forgiving or what?

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