Chapter 24

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I just look into his eyes and I would love to fuck him as he ask, but I know better. We both gonna need to go to work and I need more time than what we have right now.

But how can I ever resist him.

I can feel Tian's hand strolling at my back, our legs were intertwine with each other and now our hardens dicks were rubbing each other. I thrust my hips downward and feel him pushing back at me.

"Want you" I whisper.

"Have me..." Tian says.

My heart stutters in my chest and I lost my face in his neck embracing his closeness. I don't think I can live my life without him anymore, not after having him like this all to myself.

I'll be dead... broken hearted if he ever leaves me and I would never allow that.

I started kissing his neck. I slip a hand under his T-shirt, stroking his side. Then I work the shirt up-ward and kiss his chest and I can feel his shivers under my touch. I turn his body so that his back is on my front. I climb off him and yank his pants down. His ass is perfect and round, it is as fair as the skin all over his body. I kiss his hip bone, because I have to.

"Mmmm," he agrees, his eyes shut and his head bury deep into the pillow. I watch as he pushes his hips into the bed.

I yank off my shirt off and then my pants. The more of my skin that touches his body, the happier I am. I love the view in front of me. Tian lying on his front all naked for me, as I was gazing, Tian raised his left leg and give me better view of his butt and unknowingly my hand move to knead his cheeks.

"This are mine right Tian?" I ask as I continue to knead his cheeks and playing his ear with my tongue.

"Yours..." is all he answers.

I pull his face so that I can kiss him, my hands now were stroking his dick and he grab my hair with passion. God..I will never get tired of kissing him. Tian's dick now is wet with his own pre-cum and mine was happily nestled between his butt cheeks getting harder by the second they were squished down there.

Beep beep... beep beep...

"We got code 125 on location 13-8 over. I repeat code 125 on location 13-8 over" My walkies talkie were talking.

And the end.

I groan with frustration into Tian's neck at his back. After calmed myself down for a few minutes-

"Tonight, I am gonna fully claim what is mine." I say as I slowly rubbing Tian butt.

He seems annoyed, but after a while he calm down. He turn his body facing me and I comb his hair and look into his flushed face.

"I am sorry... duty calls." He return my stare and palm my cheeks.

"It's OK I understand." He smiles.

"You know where to find me when you're done with the works Chief..." He say while twirling his eyebrows and biting his lips.

I give him a quick kiss and out of bed.
Grab my uniform and look back at him from the bedroom door.

He is still naked, but already cover his mid body with the blanket, and seeing him like that makes me want to go back to the bed and ravish him.

"Take care baby... and be nice.." he rolled his eyes.

"I am nice." And he give me a wink.



Another thing I need to prepare myself is to get used and always remember how's Phupha works come with no boundaries. Its not like it is something new..., just I need to learn living with it and having a relationship with someone who works in this line of protecting others.

I take another nap after Phupha left, and arrive at school around 7.30AM. The kids going to learn some languages and social etiquette today. I prepare some material to show them and we going to have some foreplay activity as well.

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