Happy New Year!!!

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Happy New Year...

I am so sorry for the long gap between last chaps to the next one. I am not forgetting... just been busy with life as per usual.

This story is coming to an end.

I am finalizing the final chapters and will be releasing them soon. I wish to release them back to back so that you can read them till finish without any further waiting.

Thank you for accompany me while I written down my imaginary story version of Phupha and Tian and of course Earth and Mix as well.

I hope you like how I settle them down.

This is not the end. I will continue to write and narrates my imagination to share. Plus with them both being lovey dovey feeding us with joy and happiness, for sure its gonna keep my imagination wild free...

2021 has been dramatic, and writing here really help me diverting myself.

And all of your votes and comments really help motivates me to keep going.

I wish all of you had a great memories of 2021 and may 2022 bring great fortune and bless to all of us.

Leave comments with what's your favorite PhuphaTian / EarthMix moments , lets mingle hangers.

I still on repeat for their trailers on upcoming series. EMS also bring me joy like no others.

Looking forward for 2022...

Your truly,
LovePlan <3

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