Final - Chapter 43

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Tomorrow evening, we gonna have an opening ceremony for the park.

Well not an official ceremony, more like a village community event to celebrate and be merry together.

My parents were visiting and I feel blessed to have them together at this event. This is my first community project with the whole village and also with other bodies support.

A day before, I was busy setting up the park with tent and banquet table. I've ordered a feast of pizza for the village and kids to enjoy. It might be something new for them, but I love to see them enjoy my favorite food. I am sure the kids gonna love them. I've ask my parent to grab them on their way.

We gonna gather at the evening, as it is the best time to be at the park. So I will just go to the venue later afternoon for final preparations.

I was preparing breakfast for me and Phupha at the kitchen.

"Tian, I'm gonna need to visit the department office in the city for a postmortem meeting."

"Aww... are you gonna make it back in time for the party?" It will be sad if there's no Phupha.

I pout.

He looks so hot though in his uniforms. Focus Tian!

He walk closer and pinch my pouting lips.

"Aww..." and he kiss me lightly.

"Of course I will baby. I'll be back just in time for it."

"You better be...or someone gonna be sleeping outside tonight." He arches a brow and embrace me.

"Really? someone will be shivering in cold than..." he says while teasing my neck. He squeeze me and give me a peck on my cheek.

"Serve him right than..." I answer as wriggles away from his smooching.

"OK baby... see you at the park. Be nice and take care." He gave me a big kiss on my forehead.
"I love you." He said.
"I am always nice. I love you too..." I reply.


They all love the parks and looking forward to spend their quality time at this park with family and friends.

I am happy seeing the smiles of all the people around me. My parents were having a good conversation with Khama at the moment and they seems to enjoy knowing each other.

I remember the day when I first arrive to Pha Phan Dao.
How I feel down when I'm again and again bring in troubles and upset them. But how life move forward and from a mere stranger, they welcome me as their family.

This people really change me. They thought me life by sharing theirs.

"Hi baby..." Phupha hugs me from the back.
"Hi... how was the meeting? Everything OK."
"Yes, all is clear now, we can officially close the mission and move on." He said as he rest his chin on my shoulder and sniffing my neck.

"Stop it Phu, people will see..."
"I don't care, you are mine."
"Be decent will you." I nag. But he ignore, and peck my cheek.

"Auw... my eyes... Yod help me." I can hear Rang complaining and I can feel Phupha feral gaze.

"You should get used to it by now, Rang. Right Chief?" Yod succumb to Chief behavior was not shocking at all.

"Now that Chief and everybody is here let officially start the ceremony K'Tian. Khama would like you to give a speech." Yod explaining while pulling us to the center of the park.

"Aww, why me Yod, let Khama do the speech."

"He will, but he wanted you to say a few words as well." And suddenly me, Khama, Chief, Yod were at the middle of the park and getting all the attention from everybody.

"Let's start his ceremony together. I would like to say thank you to our K'Seetian, Chief Phupha, Doctor Nam, Doctor Wan and all community members who have together build and develop this park for the village facilities. I hope, we all together, value this facilities and take care of the park so that it will remain in its best conditions." Khama speech were always brief and straight to the point.

"Now, lets have K'Seetian say a few words." It was so quick, Khama pass the baton to me.

"Just like Khama, I also would like to thanks every one who together helping each other in creating this park. I am sorry if there are any inconvenience cause while we were at it. May we together continue to strive working hands in hands for a better living and progress for a better future." And I wai as a respect to Khama and villagers, I am always grateful with their open heart in accepting me.

"Thank you K'Seetian, for your willingness to be apart of Pha Phan Dao. Chief? You have anything to say?" Khama now passing the button to Phupha who standing besides me.

"No Khama... but..." I turn to look to Phu but I taken a step back when he suddenly kneeling.

"Phu.. get up. What's wrong?" I ask while try to pull himself up. But he just grab and hold my right hand. And out of know where he bring out a ring. 

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