Chapter 5

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It feels good to be back.

I miss the serenity.  Pha Pan Dao airs feel much more better than elsewhere. The sound of cicada on the evening is way much better than Bangkok transportation honking here and there.

I really miss the kids so much, I can't wait to catch up with them.

My journey here this time around is so much better then the first one. Well of course, Yod jeep didn't break down this time and I didn't have to walk three kilometers to this house.

I take a look around the house, and its look so much better for a living. I am not saying that the previous condition was too bad, but this is just better. I am so glad and thankful when Por decided to help me in upgrading the house. Yet, I didn't expected it to be this great.

I unpack my beg. A pat on my shoulder, because this time I am well prepared since I already know what to expect and arrange all my items accordingly. I also am expecting a delivery for the school supply in few days. And afterwards, I am all set and ready to start my new era as Pha Pan Dao teacher.

I take a nap for a few minutes before refreshing up for tonight ceremony. I wonder if it will still be the same after all this while.

"Tian...Tian are you ready?" I can hear Rang calling from the ground.

"Yes Rang, I am ready. I'll be down in a minute" I take another glance at the mirror and happy with my looks.

"Aw you still have this clothes," Rang were asking me after seeing me in the same attire as my previous welcome ceremony two and half years back.

"Of cause Rang, I treasure this piece like no others..." Rang just shook his head and smile.

We walk together, side by side and I can see some changes on the surrounding. There are now a walking trail along the road path. I can see some new houses and also something look like a gathering area were established for the villagers to use. It looks great seeing all the development.

After a while, we arrived and I see all the familiar faces and also some new ones and I feel delighted.

"K.Seetian !!!" I can see all the kids running towards me and my eyes start to water.

"Kids...." We all comes together and forms into a group hug. I can't fit them all but I still try.

"We miss you Seetian"

"I miss you guys too.." Ayi is taller now, and Meejoo has turn into one beautiful teenage girl.

"K.Tian welcome back Pha Pan Dao" I turn and see Khama.

"Khama, thank you for welcoming me back to the village. Please kindly take care of me Khama" I greet Khama with a wai.

"Aw... K.Tian, we are the lucky ones because you are willing to come back for us" Khama said as he hand grabbing my arms with tender.

"Of cause Khama, Pha Pan Dao has become my home after all this while." I nod my head as a respect for the old man who always show his kindness towards me.

"Enough talking lets enjoy our self, I believe everybody looking forward to see you again"

"Yes, Khama lets go." We move to the big table where all the kids parent were hanging out.

I greet everybody and catching up with Longtae. He work in town now, but still mainly staying in the village helping his father and the people. Great to see Longtae staying true to his people and strives to help them grow. I can't wait to work with Longtae, I got some idea for the village that we can both work together.

"Tian..." I froze, my hands feels a tremor hearing the voice. The voiced that I'd missed. The voiced that I'd hoped I would forget.

I've been busying myself with the distraction all this while...

"Tian..." Again, the voice that calling out my name echos around me.

I take a deep breath and I turn around, and there he is.

Chief Phupa.



Rang told me the welcoming ceremony for the new teacher will be starting at six in the evening, but I am late due to some paper work to be sort out.

The ceremony has started, and I can see the villagers were gathering and talking as usual with a full feast on the dining table. I look around and join Doc, Yod and Rang also with Khama.

"Sorry Khama I was late" I sit next to Khama.

"Aw, Chief its OK we understand how busy you are. Come come lets eat." Khama passed me a glass of what's looks like the village liquor. I take it as a respect, but I don't feel like drinking for tonight.

"Thank you Khama. So, where is the new teacher?" I ask the group and they all look at me while Doc, Yod and Rang seems to be smirking among themselves and I am at lost.

"Aw, Chief you haven't meet the teacher yet. He came back after a long while, I thought you will be the first to meet him." Again, I am lost with Khama statement and turn to look at Rang for explanation. But instead of explaining, he turn looking for something or in this case, someone.

"There he is, our new teacher with Longtae." Khama pointed toward my back.

I turn to look, and you can say my heart stop beating for few seconds with the view that I am seeing right in front of my eyes.

I can feel the trio smirking face at my back, because they manage to fool me by not telling me our new teacher is none other than Tian...

My Tian...

My Tian

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