Chapter 39

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The radio alarm wakes me for the first time since I left Tian and home. I've slept a soundless and dreamless sleep and I awake feeling fresher.

My first thought is Tian. How is he this morning? Does he missed me?

I can't wait to meet him at the school this afternoon. Its been long since I see him with the kids. I love seeing him teaching, his eyes were full of passion when he teach.

Who would have thought a rich boy (now man of course...) found his passion with teaching. I am glad that his happiness is right here at Pha Phan Dao, closer to me.

I bound out of bed and into my sweats. I've decided to take a run this morning, I've been neglecting my body this pass few days and I can't afford to be a slouch.

We got an important mission, an illegal woodcutter activities and smuggling mercenaries were traced and this time around the gang seems more vicious as they were brave enough to build up a hazardous trap to make our tracking of their activity more difficult and dangerous. If we were not careful the trap can be deadly.

The morning goes by, we just finish with our strategy meeting and I want to hurry to meet Tian at the school. I just need to finish this paper work and I am done for this shift.

"Chief Phupha..." I raise my head up and see Waan at my office door.

"Waan..." I stand up to meet her half way.

We haven't met since that day. I am not avoiding her, but I don't have enough reason for it. And my derail moment away from Tian makes me forget other things.

"Waan... How are you?" I ask. Me and Waan now seating at the meeting table.

"I am fine. Sorry if it takes me this long to come and visit you, the boys said you were sick? How are you now? Better?"

"Yes, don't worry. Just a fatigue, I am fine now." I feel anxious, I know I need to make amend. I try to gather all my courage and with the thought of Tian, I owe this to all of us.

"I am sorry Waan. I should have told you sooner. I don't know what was I thinking. I am really sorry if this hurt you." I breathe it all out and look at Waan.

"Yes Chief, we wouldn't be hurting Tian if I know. I know it is a presumptuous of me to think that you were single. I made a mistake too. And I'm sorry Chief if I put you in trouble situation." Waan explain.

I feel relieve with Waan acceptance. I am not gonna lie, I do worry if Waan being hard will as she was and would continue to make an effort towards me... its gonna be the death of me to deal with.

Plus with my current relationship status with Tian.

"How are you and Tian? Are you both OK now?" Waan ask.

"I am still staying here, Tian still didn't allow me to return home..." I am sad but still feel much better that we were on speaking term now.

"What? Still?" Wan suddenly outburst.

"Its been what? A month or more right?" Waan stand up and she look annoyed.

"I think.... if Tian want to continue to be a baby.... I changes my mind. I am gonna be openly flirting with you Chief. I am gonna steal you away from him." She continue to spurt nonsense.

"Nope... in fact. I am gonna meet Tian right now and ask you from him, I am gonna take you from him... fair and square. He must be at school right now... right?" And just like that she walk away.

"Waan... stop." She ignored me and continue to walk away.

What should I do?

Is she being real? I just got Tian to talk to me again, what will happen if Waan barge him at school? And spurt all those nonsense?

Gosh this woman impulsiveness gonna get me into trouble.

I page Rang from the walkies-talkie for him to come back to the base as I need to make sure Waan didn't say anything stupid to Tian.

I secure the base as fast as I can. I should've wait for Rang to arrive but this is emergency.


"Alright kids, finish the task on the board, submit to me and you can go back home." I sit down at the table and reviewing the kids home works.

"Tian..." I heard Waan voice, and true enough, she enter the class.

"Aww Waan, what are you doing here?" I ask her. She just greet the kids briefly while she passes through their tables.

"Nothing, just feels like to visit you and the kids." Her face looks like she was holding something from me. She keep looking around at the entrance like waiting for someone.

"What is it Waan?" I ask.

"Humm... What? Nothing... I just miss you and it feels forever since I visit the school... Right kids?" The kids just smile to her.

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