Chapter 29

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I ran my heart out and speeding with my bike, after I learn that Tian was injured at the park project.

I am also ready to chew Rang as he let it happen. I arrive at the clinic like a mad man, trying to find the person I needed to see.

After checking out few treatment rooms, finally I found him.
Seeing Tian T-shirt full with blood makes me think for the worst.

I call out his name and checked him but he remain silence and stoic. I turn to Waan for some answers but she just look at me blankly as she also don't know what happen.

I guess she's also must be shock seeing my reaction in regards of Tian, but I can't focus on that right now. I need to know the extend of Tian's injury. I don't like how Tian's look right now, pale with his clothes full of bloods.

"Tian... are you OK?" I ask him again, since I still didn't hear his answers, but he still remain frozen like a statue looking at me blankly.

Was he in pain?

And than... all my world turn dark when I learnt that Waan had told our history to Tian. I realized that his face were sad not because of pain, but that grimaced look as he's lost in his thought, thinking... after discovering what I didn't tell him.

I try to find words to explain but all seems lost.

I feel cold when Tian pull his hands away from me. I know him, he wouldn't want to make a scene, hence he's trying so hard to control himself.

I take notes to remember Waan advise for him, in regards of his wound. I learnt that Tian got few stitches, glad it was just a surface wound, the bloods really making me go haywire.

I follow Tian closely, keeping my distance as I don't want to push him or anything. I let Rang send him off as he requested. 


I wondered if it would actually hurt more if Tian were screaming, blaming me or even punching me for what I have done, rather than be with him in silenced. 

Every seconds that passes through without even a word from him is killing me.

Seeing him in pain while taking his shirt off is the limit I'll allow for him to be stubborn. Good for him, as he were finally letting me help easily.

But again. No single words. He takes his medicines and afterwards I take a quick shower.

I am afraid that if I let him out of my sight too long, he will be gone.

It's sounds silly, but I really am, afraid that Tian might leaves me.

I am so relieve when he at least let me hugs him, after I beg him of course. The silence and distance is a torture enough. I can't bear of not being able to hold and touch him.

I swift his scent and stroking his air. He must be tired physically and emotionally with the injury and discovering my past.

The past that I thought won't hurt him, but again I was wrong. It did break him, I just wish he would talk to me. It is better than he being all quiet like this.

I don't know when I finally fall a sleep, the last thing I remember was kissing his neck and stroking his hair and I am lost.

I was just arriving to the base from trekking the trail this afternoon. We discover some illegal activity as we identify some traces of unidentified foot path, tree damage, fire pit and others.

So me and my team were on a back to back surveillances, hoping to learn more of what's going on. I was closing the meeting when I receive the news of Tian's injury.


I woke up without Tian on the bed and I think the worst.

Did Tian left me?

I went straight out of bed, trying to find him.

"Tian?!" I call for him, but no answers.

I call him again... "Tian..?!" I'm on my way to the bathroom...

And there he is, straight out of shower.

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