Chapter 41

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As Phu said, he's gonna be busy.  He's been in the forest for few days at a time and only manage to visit me at the school as the team were on back to back night mission.

A week goes by and Phupha will stop by at the school this afternoon. I pack us some lunch so that we can eat together.

The kids just left and I was cleaning the writing board when Phupha hugs me from the back.

"Hi baby..." He grab me tighter as he greet me.
"Hi..." I reply and hold his hand on my waist. After a while I turn to face him and we tighten each other arms around each other.

"I miss you." I say it while bury myself into his chest.
"I miss you too baby." He reply it into my hair.

"I made us lunch..." I push myself away to look at him better.
"Thank you..." He said as he caress my cheek.

I prepare the meal at the common table and we had lunch while updating each other.

"Phu... I'll be flying back to Bangkok this weekend." He face turn sad with a pout.

"Aww... why? Can't you wait for me?" He's whining, and I just smile to my giant baby.

"It's for work, I need to visit the foundation. The chairman want to meet with me, they plan to resume volunteer program here at Pha Phan Dao. So that I can have assistant and the kids can get more exposure from other teachers." I explain it all the Phupha so that he will understand and stop pouting.

"I'll be back even before you were done with your mission." I continue.

"OK... I wish I can accompany you, but we were at the peak of our investigation." I squeezed his hand.
"It's OK Phu. It will be a quick one. Now stop being a giant baby" I stand and sit on his lap and grab his face into both my hands squeeze his cheek till his lips is pouting and kiss him.

"Be a good boy will you. I got spies everywhere so... I'll know." I tease him while combing his hair.

"Yeah, I know all the people around here favor you more than me... Aww, and who gonna be my spy for you. I need to call Tul." He said while remain pouting.

"Be my guest baby, call him." I smile and circle my arm around his shoulder while he bury his face on my neck.

"Who am I kidding. I trust you with all my heart... I am glad and grateful enough that you still want me and return to me." He mumbling on my neck but I heard him clearly.

I push myself and lean our forehead together. "Me too baby. We both gonna need to do this better right, trusting each other." I palm his cheek and gaze straight into his eyes...

"You know I love you right?"

He look deep into my eyes..."I know, and I love you too..." And we kissed, sealing the words.

After a while, we stop to catch our breath. Once I've caught my breath, I lean up my forehead again his, and I'll do everything in my power to keep this man mine.

No one will take him away from me.


"I missed you already." He says after a while, and I offer him a swift kiss as I feels the same as well.

He grip my chin and kiss me once more.

"Come back to me soon... please." He whisper.

I will.

"I'm still mad that you gonna leave me..." Phu continue to whine.
"I know, but you being mad, baby, wouldn't stop me." and Phupha pout turn worst and ugly. I smooch him to make it better.

He curls his arm around my waist. I feel the warmth of his body and I'm gonna miss him so much. I close my eyes and enjoy this lucid, quiet moment of peace.

"What I feel for you frightens me Tian," he says a little hoarse.

"Me too, baby." More than you know.

I push my body away to look for his face. I tuck a wisp of his hair behind his ear. I have to make him believe I'm here for the long haul or more correctly, forever. As long as he'll have me.

"I've never felt the way I felt when I'm with you Phupha. I would move heaven and earth to ever feeling lost without you ever again. You are my anchor Phupha. I found you in the moment of my life when I need a guidance. Only you can make my heart beats and still be at peace at the same time Phu."

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